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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
All Uphill is entirely responsible for the fact that I can spend over an hour cycling up a mountain, only to then descend the thing in ten minutes. This time difference feels unfair, somehow.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
The Doc knows that this is how Wol nallmroyor wierts and at least it makes perfect sense. When Doug posts here the words and the letters are in the wrong order and are definitely not the right ones either.

... Sorry, what's the Rocky problem?

The Doctor thinks he/she is going uphill, but it's just that he has accidentally put his ebike into reverse.

The Doctor - Always going forwards 'cos he cannot find reverse!

All uphill

Still rolling along
Rocky gets off his horse and walks into the saloon. He shouts for whisky and asks,
"Any of you no good punks ready for a game of happy families".

All uphill

Still rolling along
When Roger walked into a lamp post he knew he needed a pair of glasses.
When he walked into the pub he knew he just wanted one glass (at a time).
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