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Vice Admiral
A lot of Rocky's posts contain clopi doggerel.


Hello decadence
Wol went to the doctor as she was feeling under the weather. He offered antibiotics or a chance to work outside in a timber mill. Wol decided on the former as it seems the penicillin is mightier than the sawed.

edit: I'm not very happy with the quality of that pun. I seem to be a bit slow this morning and it was best I could come up with. I promise to do better next time


Hello decadence
Wol took ages to get home yesterday. Apparently seven thousand gallons of gin was spilt on the M5 motorway. Every lane was a sloe lane.

Anyway when she got home she had a gin and tonic, which was made in Thailand with ice and a slice. It tasted disgusting - apparently Thai-tonic doesn’t mix well with ice.



Hello decadence
Wol was sailing her boat when a massive hand rose out of the water, slowly moved from side to side, and then disappeared.

Wol thinks that was the biggest wave she’s ever seen.


Hello decadence
Talking of sailors, Rog has invented a new talent contest where you have to dress up as a sailor and eat as much spinach as fast as you can.

He's going to call it Popeyedol.


26 is banned from all restaurants within a five mile radius of his house after a misunderstanding over the cutlery at his local Italian, he swears that he was only asking for a fork 'n' knife.
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