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Vice Admiral
Doug loves acronyms. He's also a compulsive blogger. I'm trying to figure out a suitable abbreviation for his latest travel piece:

Wonderful Adventure North Kent

- where he describes his trip through oast houses and hop farms.

(Wol if you think I'm being naughty again, feel free to delete it - and me, if necessary. I'll understand)

I thought you were still on the naughty step!


Speicher makes a nice little income at weekends as a Supernanny impersonator, it's almost caused Rocky and MDB to declare bankruptcy.


Hello decadence
Every time the National League football scores come on the radio, Doug waits for the Wrexham result……he then shouts - Wrecks them, darn near ruins them.

He’s been saying this every week of the football season since 1953

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Stephec sold bleach to Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, he (Trump) didn't inject it or even drink it!
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