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Über Member
It can be risky to insult a moderator. MDB has never done that.
I already have one strike because of a dirty limerick I posted. Seriously, there wasn't even one line you would want to read to your Grandmother.


Legendary Member
Mad Doug said "moderator" five times in front of a mirror.



Rog was always in trouble with the referee when he played rugby, at least I think it was a dirty hooker that he was described as.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Doug was granted a wish by his slightly deaf godmother because he had eaten all his brussel sprouts.

He asked for an enormous dessert and got the Sahara.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
My Dad gave me a 'Celebratory' bit of chocolate and cream cake earlier and I could barely eat it. I don't normally eat overly sweet or 'chocolatey' things.

It was so rich and too much that it took me the best part of an hour just to eat the slice I had. ☺️

All uphill

Still rolling along
Now that Doug has eaten from the Royal cake he is obliged to doff his cap and bend the knee everything someone says "Charles"

PS I can't eat cake either, far too rich and sugary.
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