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Legendary Member
Always keen to go one better, Mad Doug pooed on an electric fence. They had to evacuate the whole county because of the smell of frying poo.


Hello decadence
Andy can't wait to see the new film 'Caravan Park'.

He says that the trailers look amazing.

All uphill

Still rolling along
Roger is rather mean and loves theatre. To avoid having to buy a ticket he sneaks in after the break.

His Mastermind subject is the second acts of Shakespeare's plays.

*I knew someone who regularly did that - saw the second half of plays, concerts.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Rocky likes a bit of static electricity so he buys his pullovers at Marks and Sparks.

AU knew that in the old days when you could still go up to the very end of platform 18 at Glasgow Central, that the metal fence would give you static shocks from the 25Kv Catenary above.

No, seriously, it would. You learned very quickly not to rely on that fence for support! 😆
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