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Legendary Member
Mad Doug procures septuagenarians for Wayne Rooney.


Hello decadence
Doug has shortened all his trousers - he's cultivating the dishy Rishi look. Either that or his washing machine is stuck on 60c

Either way, it's nice to see a bit of ankle <----------- this is a lie


Legendary Member
Rocky still wears his old school tie. It's from the roughest secondary modern in Grimsby, but it happens to look exactly the same as Harrow's. Always gets him into well-paid City jobs.


Hello decadence
Roger worked for Peloton - a job he got because of his old school tie. But today he quit. He got fed up with peddling exercise bikes.


Hello decadence
Moon bunny went to the doctor with a piece of lettuce sticking out of her ear. The doctor looked at it and said “that’s just the tip of the iceberg”.
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