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Hello decadence
Wol’s local pie shop almost never closes. It’s 22/7.


Hello decadence
Roger loves his motorbike. It's great for getting to the front of queues quicker.

It does always terrify the other customers in the Post Office, though.


Hello decadence
Steph thinks he's allergic to leather. Every time he wakes up in bed with his shoes on, he has a headache and is feeling sick.


Legendary Member
Rocky once dated Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman at the same time, but they dumped him because he kept confusing one for the other.


Richard 'twice nightly' Whiteley of Countdown fame is alleged to have sought Rocky's advice on how to woo his co host, on account of Rocky's reputation as a lothario, but being a gentleman Rocky never confirmed or denied this.

Unfortunately though it back fired and Rocky has had to constantly renew the restraining order on Carol Vorderman.
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