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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Or if you are at Wetherspoons, Toulouse Lautrec.


Hello decadence
Doug and his partner spent all their money setting up a bread shop in Paris. Unfortunately Doug's partner left him and now all he's got is pain.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Actually, Rockaay once toured France by bike with a group of friends.

Unfortunately, he got a dodgy tummy after an ill advised curry with some strong local cheese and wine (don't ask).

He really WAS 'le Lantern Rouge' the next day or two.


Hello decadence
Mad Doug knows that I failed French GCSE (O'Level as it was called in old money). But I've just worked out how to use Google Translate. So the answer to your question est non


Hello decadence
Ok ok ok..........time to move on. Enough is en oeuf.

Which is what Doug said when asked what the small ovoid thing with a shell was in his hand ....
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