Phrases that can Chill your Blood

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Legendary Member
2nd genuine one.
Working in Israel 90s. Waiting for an internal flight.
2 guards with machine guns and a 3rd one saying "we want you to come with us".
In a large warehouse.
More guards etc "we want your belt, your shoes and your backpack".
I missed the flight but after several hours was released.
I contacted the British embassy but never did find what the problem was.....they think it was mistaken identity.
2nd genuine one.
Working in Israel 90s. Waiting for an internal flight.
2 guards with machine guns and a 3rd one saying "we want you to come with us".
In a large warehouse.
More guards etc "we want your belt, your shoes and your backpack".
I missed the flight but after several hours was released.
I contacted the British embassy but never did find what the problem was.....they think it was mistaken identity.
I met a bloke on holiday one year - he was on the same flight home as me
I suggested we got seats together - we were both travelling alone so it was better than sitting next to strangers
He refused - apparently he had the same name as a wanted person and was a similar build and age - so he often got stopped and questioned - along with anyone he appeared to be travelling with:eek:


Charming but somewhat feckless
“All I did was…”
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