Personalised number plates

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My late uncle was minted.
His Name was David Smith
His wife was Minnie Smith.
They each had Volvos......
His was DS1
Hers was MS1
I would love to know who ownes them now and what they are worth.

  • plate.ashx?text=MS%201&colour=black&size=18.png

    – The fact that the initials ‘MS’ are practically the most common in the United Kingdom makes this 100+ year old, cherished plate a priceless antique. MS 1 is perhaps the ultimate of the two initial cherished number plates range. It was first issued by Stirling County Council in December 1903. Now that it’s off the market, it is unlikely to find it’s way back on; these are sought after by the super rich who tend to hang on to them once acquired.

My uncle David Smith and wife were minted,
So for a bequest I had often hinted,
But they spent at alarming rates,
On bling like personal plates,
Come reading of the wills, I was stinted.

Good effort, and most certainly better than my attempt:

My uncle and his wife
had everything in life
and I hinted that they needed to share some

Their plates were dear
and cost, I fear,
far more than I could ever dream on, and some

I roll the dice,
once or twice,
to get my Volvo, oh so handsome.



Mayenne, France
From decades ago in my youth in Sunny Southend, local Italian businessman MAR10.

Also remember seeing one 50 5EXY.

Slightly off topic, there was a hairdressers called "Beau Locks"...


Legendary Member
'pith' would be better than 'pi$$.'

As a world wide recognised poet
I like things to rhyme and I know it.

Freds Dad

There are quite a few around Wilmslow and Alderley Edge with people's initials but the one I seem to see a lot is J4NES which seems to be on a different vehicle every few months but as is always being driven by the same blonde, orange skinned woman probably called Jane.

The FIL has 2 seperate number plates with some numbers and his initials PCF on his two cars.
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