Olympic Cycling - SPOILERS

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Legendary Member
It was an awesome move, but to still have the legs to do that after having to make up all that time after the puncture - just Wow!

I think the french lad will know when he looks back he maybe should have anticipated a move there and gone balls out on "his" side of the tree
Either that or taken the left side of the trees, the better to block Pidcock from trying to overtake.

It strikes me that these mountain bikers may know about the training and skills required to ride faster than the other chap, but they don't know much about head to head racing. I do wonder how Koretzky would get on starting a World Cup dead last, with enough of a delay to ensure he was still last at the first corner.
Pidcock has won from that situation, having learned proper racing skills riding things like the Otley Crits back when he was a youth. The benefits of a wide ranging cycling education.

Video of the pass at the top of the page here:

There was a similar incident at the XCC world championships last year when Schwarzbauer was in front, but left a wide gap on the inside of the last corner, doubtless intending to cut in for a late apex, only to find that Pidcock had shot through the gap, and got a half wheel in front by the corner.
Fantastic ride.

Pedantry forces me to point out he was about 34s seconds behind when he was back on his bike. A fantastic effort from his mechanic, who was not ready for him and lost a few seconds with Pidcock off his bike waiting for service but despite that it was only 34 seconds off the leader for some time then dropped back to 40s, possibly to recover because the puncture happened after he had put a big effort in, then he made that up after a lap or two.

Not taking anything away from his effort, which was an amazing performance and only really won it after that audacious overtake that unnclipped his rival for the gold. BTW the French guy told French TV in the interview that he had no complaints with that overtake, "that's just racing" I think he was noted as saying. He was glad for silver. TBH they both did well as did the South African who hung on until the very end. Let us not forget that those three were significantly ahead of the rest. A well deserved gold, silver and bronze medals I reckon. Especially with the talent in that field.

Oh and let us not forget the ladies and PFP or on the road Grace Brown!!


Kilometre nibbler
I guess this explains why Pidders was so quiet during the Tour, except for the slightly MTBish gravel stage. His mind was elsewhere.

Didn't he go off MTBing immediately prior to the Tour? I seem to remember some eyebrows being raised.


Kilometre nibbler
I'm not feeling too good so I've decided to knock off work, and I've plonked myself in front of the telly

The BMX is on. I'd let you know what was going on if I understood. Kids doing bonkers stuff on bikes. All the singles can be doubled, and the doubles can be tripled ... apparently. Ally oop flare. Double tail.

Instead of the succession of yoofs, Australia have a bloke who looks about 40 and looks like he's just come out of a corrugated iron bar in the outback.


Kilometre nibbler
12 years ago to the day I was on Box Hill watching the women's road race, and then watching Marianne Vos outsprint Lizzie Armitstead on the big screen in the rain on top of Box Hill.
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