Olympic Cycling - SPOILERS

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Kilometre nibbler
Here's another table

It's the same as above but it shows the breakdown between Road, Track, MTB and BMX

Gold (R/T/M/B)Silver (R/T/M/B)Bronze (R/T/M/B)Total (R/T/M/B)
France3 (0/1/1/1)3 (1/0/1/1)3 (1/0/0/2)9 (2/1/2/4)
Netherlands3 (0/3/0/0)3 (1/1/0/1)1 (0/1/0/0)7 (1/5/0/1)
Australia3 (1/1/0/1)2 (0/2/0/0)3 (0/2/0/1)8 (1/5/0/2)
United States of America3 (1/2/0/0)2 (0/0/1/1)1 (1/0/0/0)6 (2/2/1/1)
Great Britain2 (0/1/1/0)5 (1/3/0/1)4 (0/4/0/0)11 (1/8/1/1)
New Zealand2 (0/2/0/0)2 (0/2/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)5 (0/5/0/0)
Belgium2 (2/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)3 (2/1/0/0)5 (4/1/0/0)
Italy1 (0/1/0/0)2 (1/1/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)4 (1/3/0/0)
Portugal1 (0/1/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)2 (0/2/0/0)
Argentina1 (0/0/0/1)0 (0/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/0/0/1)
People's Republic of China1 (0/0/0/1)0 (0/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/0/0/1)
Germany0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)2 (0/2/0/0)
Poland0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)
Denmark0 (0/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)1 (0/1/0/0)
South Africa0 (0/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/0/1/0)1 (0/0/1/0)
Sweden0 (0/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/0/1/0)1 (0/0/1/0)
Switzerland0 (0/0/0/0)0 (0/0/0/0)1 (0/0/0/1)1 (0/0/0/1)

Usual caveat applies. This could be all wrong.
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Kilometre nibbler
If we take an old school approach and ignore MTB and BMX as johnny-come-lately events it looks like this.
Basically Harrie Lavreysen won the track, and Remco won the road.
Gold (Road/Track)Silver (Road/Track)Bronze (Road/Track)Total (Road/Track)
Netherlands3 (0/3)2 (1/1)1 (0/1)6 (1/5)
United States of America3 (1/2)0 (0/0)1 (1/0)4 (2/2)
Australia2 (1/1)2 (0/2)2 (0/2)6 (1/5)
New Zealand2 (0/2)2 (0/2)1 (0/1)5 (0/5)
Belgium2 (2/0)0 (0/0)3 (2/1)5 (4/1)
Great Britain1 (0/1)4 (1/3)4 (0/4)9 (1/8)
Italy1 (0/1)2 (1/1)1 (0/1)4 (1/3)
France1 (0/1)1 (1/0)1 (1/0)3 (2/1)
Portugal1 (0/1)1 (0/1)0 (0/0)2 (0/2)
Germany0 (0/0)1 (0/1)1 (0/1)2 (0/2)
Poland0 (0/0)1 (0/1)0 (0/0)1 (0/1)
Denmark0 (0/0)0 (0/0)1 (0/1)1 (0/1)

I'll stop now
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Legendary Member
Not sure how i feel about this. Matt Richardson is switching from Australia to GB.
I'm never very happy when anyone changes nationality once they have achieved success. Even if he does hold dual nationality.

Reading between the lines, looks like he wants to move back to England and the only way to continue his cycling career and do that is t take up with the british cycling training programme.

Its very different to the host of East Africans running for European and middle eastern countries for £££s
Reading between the lines, looks like he wants to move back to England and the only way to continue his cycling career and do that is t take up with the british cycling training programme.
If that's the case then I agree.

Its very different to the host of East Africans running for European and middle eastern countries for £££s

That's a weird situation with 2 sides: sometimes they will have literally run from poverty due to that arrangement.


Kilometre nibbler
It doesn't bother me a lot.

One thing I quite like about cycling sport - particularly on the road - it tends not to be mega nationalistic. Sure there are many teams with strong national links and we're well aware of the nationality of the stars, but it's not like say, rugby or (test) cricket where national teams are the be all and end all. Indeed for many non-star riders I often don't know or am mistaken about their nationality "Oh, so & so is Belgian, I thought they were Dutch" and so on.

Obviously the track is a bit different what with its Olympics focus ...

Anyway, people move around for various reasons. Good luck to him.
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