Odd factoids

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Legendary Member
Vegans eat large quantities of factory farmed vegetables. These veggies are raised in horrific, cramped conditions, and are cruelly killed without stunning. The kosher and halal vegetables have it the worst, as they have their roots choppedmoff and are left to die a slow, lingering death thats even more painful than listening to an Alexander Armstrong album.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Vegans were trapped in the high Andes after a plane crash. With no food available they ate some of the dead arguing that those unfortunates had only ever eaten vegetables.


self serving virtue signaller
The Aztecs were actually the Aztechs - now thought of as an ancient civilisation, but in reality an early helpdesk for IT issues, solving problems like the wrong sort of stone for tablets, sharpening chisels for users, and reminding people to turn the quarry on and off before any further fault finding.


The Mayans were originally called the Maybeans. Their famous dithering eventually led to the downfall of their civilization when they were unable to decide how to respond to increasingly ferocious attacks from the Definiteans


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Pebbles Flintstone was not, as thought, the progeny of Fred and Wilma, but the result of her illicit affair with Barney Rubble.


Barney Rubble was the original title of the film Demolition Man but had to be abandoned by Warner Bros after the Flintstones' modern day descendants, Fred and Wilma Bluechip, issued an injunction. Barney Rubble's descendents died out when old Barney Shards-Detritus ended his life childless after severing an artery at his glassworks (which occasioned more than a little shardenfreudue among his business rivals at the time).


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
He became known locally as the Clitheroe Kid.
His exploits were aired in a radio program on Sunday afternoons.


The Clitheroe Kid was also the name of a famous singing goat, who took silver at the speed-yodelling championships, with an average speed of 246 bleats per minute. His owner put his unrivalled vocal dexterity down to a diet of hay soaked in tripe and melted down Uncle Joe's Mint Balls


self serving virtue signaller
Uncle Joe's Mint Balls replaced his earlier defective ones. They didn't stay mint for long, however, soon resembling roast potatoes due to overuse with his 7th wife, Auntie Bessie.
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