Odd factoids

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Feel pity for the rich, for they have piles of gold..


'24 carrot gold' was the marketing slogan of Mr Kipling's boxed carrot cake in the 80s. The baking leviathan was fined £20,000 and ordered to withdraw the product after a Trading Standards investigation found the 'carrot' in the cake was 2% carrot and 98% orange sawdust.


Legendary Member
Large, brawny gay men are often known as "bears". What is less widely known is that they are not men at all, and really are bears who get their jollies with a bit of cross species nookie. This is how Nookie Bear found himself in captivity with a gentlemans hand up his bottom,
Rudyard Kipling's grandson wrote The Jungle Book 2, a wide-ranging guide to the jungle music scene in the 90s. Also a semi-professional DJ, he was known as Baloo on the rave circuit
If I ever become a Jungle DJ, I shall take the stage-name "Baloo". Because
- it sounds quite cool.
- in dumb magazine interviews, when asked why I chose it, i'd just answer deadpan: "You know, from the Jungle Book".
Which would be incredibly funny, and make me even cooler.
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