Odd factoids

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
@Accy cyclist Salty Balls come in two flavours, innuendo and saucy.


Legendary Member
Innuendo is regarded by many Queen fans as Bohemian Rhapsody 2. This is incorrect.

The sequel, Bulimia Tragedy, was never released as bulimia took Freddie Mercury from us before it could be issued. Back then it was unfashionable to die of bulimia, so Mercury's death was attributed to the much more fashionable AIDS.

Since then the World has moved on. In the 2020's the fashion for slebs is to fake their own death and then sue Jeremy Kyle and/or ITV for compo.


Before he fronted the band “Queen”, Freddie Mercury was the lead singer in a band called “The Elements”, which also included Andrew Gold, Leadbelly, Carbonnie Tyler, Aluminium Parsons, Vanadium Morrison, Rubidium Turner, Francium Rossi and Thorium Hird.

Nickel Rhodium, latterly of DroneOn DroneOn, was a member of the band twice.
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Thor-a-turd is a Norwegian-English slang term for 'hammering' out a stubborn, dessicated stool following a severe bout of constipation

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Last of the Summer Wine was filmed at Holmfirth, the ancestral home of Colin Firth. The extras in the film being his servants. Holme Moss at the top of the hill is the home of Kate Moss. Kate‘s favourite past time is tuning in to short wave radio from around the world. She’s built a big aerial so she can pick up all her favourite stations.


self serving virtue signaller
Holme Moss comes from the old Norse "holmr" - island.

Why? Well, it was, of course. the true Mount Ararat in the Flood when it was literally an island.

The wooden ribs of the Ark can still be seen preserved in the peat, and the trees in the famous West Riding olive groves are descendents from cuttings taken from the dove- delivered branch described in Genesis.

And does anyone *really* believe it's a coincidence that Noah is such a popular Yorkshire name? Well??
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