Ok, a bit background (also posted a couple of times before posting here, oops!).
Very sporty in my youth, football cricket and squash mainly, through to 20's, late 30's was a scrawny little thing, sport was all I did at nightimes...then started having problems mid 30's with knees, specifically right knee..had to give up 5 a side and cricket for a while, just too painful to run etc..this also led to quite a big weight gain as well, I have always ate crap but it was the exercise that kept the weight off, once the exercise went, bam, weight came on :-(........finally (on my 40th birthday) found out I had flat feet and this had contributed to very weak quads which leads to knee problems...so, needed an exercise that had no/little resistance and therefore took up cycling although never really seriously, more kinda dabbled...weight came down, felt good but then stopped, weight came back on, felt bad, went out again on the bike, felt good, then stopped etc etc....so, about a month ago, found my old blood pressure monitor in the garage, used it and was shocked at the results (185/95) got a bike through the ctw scheme and just thought this time, I must take it seriously, I need to lose the weigh and get the bp down....hopefully by posting on here it will give me a little motivation to keep going...