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ColinJ said:And it will be in all countries for ever more! Even if you killed every terrorist and every person who ever supported them, you'd soon have a new group come along who were willing to kill and die for whatever particular cause they believed in.
The 'war on terrorism' can never be won. If it is okay to suspend civil liberties to deal with the current batch of terrorists, then they will be suspended indefinitely. Do we really want that? If random searches are okay, how about tapping every phonecall? Intercepting every email? (Actually, GCHQ probably does that already!) Why not bug every house? How about installing a few agents provocateurs in every town and village - if you are really innocent, you wouldn't be caught out! Do away with jury trials? Suspend habeas corpus? Allow torture in 'special cases'?
Do we really want to live in a world where it would be okay for a deaf or non-English-speaking 'foreign-looking' person to be killed when running to catch a bus, because some trigger-happy policeman shot him for failing to stop when ordered to do so?
How about summary execution if a law enforcement officer thinks your iPod looks like a bomb?
People are being horribly slaughtered and maimed in their thousands every year by idiots in cars, and bugger all is done about it. If someone causes one hundredth of that carnage deliberately, life as we know it has to come to an end...
The destruction of the World Trade Centre was an outrage, as were the bombings in London. And Guantanamo Bay...
The way to try and beat terrorists is by being more civilised than them and showing them up for what they are. That way, their support crumbles and their communities help the law catch up with the few fanatics left. If you sink down to their level, then they've won!
You've been reading too many John Le carre novels. S.44 Terrorism Act 2000 operations are carried out in the Capital and other specified areas for limited time periods throughout the country for limited periods and are stringently controlled, police officers can stop you and ask you to account for your presence at any given location, a person may be entirely innocent of any offence.
These operations build a picture called intelligence, this is how people who would seek to kill and injure those of us who do not follow their doctrine to be caught.