My arrest story

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meenaghman said:
On the DNA and fingerprint side of things as you weren't actually charged aren't you allowed to ensure those have been destroyed ?

No. They can keep them as long as they like, as it stands. ;)


tdr1nka said:
Lest we forget....;)


[mild hyperbole] Bonkers. The thought police are but a couple of stops down the road. [/mild hyperbole]


Melvil said:
I read up on the law later. Technically speaking under the official secrets Act 1911 it is illegal to photograph a 'prohibited place' that could be of use to the enemy in times of conflict.

'Prohibited places' usually have to have a sign up notifying the public of their status. The Terrorism Act effectively leaves it to the judgement of any police officer - and there were even moves in the original draft Bill to allow that discretion (and other police powers) to anyone serving in the armed forces, although that was removed.
This is just an excuse for racist bullying.
I'm half tempted to walk around london in a burkha, taking pictures, get myself arrested, only to remove it and reveal I'm a moderately well off white middle class professional from a rural tory constituency. See how far they woudl go to dig up some dirt (actually they wouldn't need to go that far...!)

Actually, that's quite a good idea for a mass protest against this sort of fascism.


Resting in suspended Animation
Flying_Monkey said:
'Prohibited places' usually have to have a sign up notifying the public of their status. The Terrorism Act effectively leaves it to the judgement of any police officer - and there were even moves in the original draft Bill to allow that discretion (and other police powers) to anyone serving in the armed forces, although that was removed.

On Melvil's photography point, yes FM is right. There are signs that you will see to that affect something like "Warning. No Trespassing. This is a prohibited place as in the wording of the 1911 Official Secrets act and is protected under UK Law." but they aren't very common and before anyone asks there are perfectly legal rights of way that go past these signs. As opposed to the places Melvil is probably talking about where there are no signs.


Flying_Monkey said:

OMG! 'Unusual activity that doesn't fit in with normal day to day life' like what exactly, smiling? Having fun? Being a human being?

We are lectured every day by the media that we should be unique and individual and then things like this come along...jeez.

BTW Thanks for the info re prohibited places and terrorism Act. Didn't realise the onus was on them to designate the prohibited place.


Leg End Member
If your considering putting a complaint in, visit your local force website for details with regards to their complaints proceedure.
Make it known that you wish to make a complaint against a serving police officer.
Officer taking the complaint should be the senior officer on duty.
Complaint should be recorded, it may not be.
Go through the process of making the complaint, even if unsuccessful. Set proceedure to follow.
The force concerned has a legal obligation to consider the complaint made against an officer.
All else fails make a complaint through the IPCC. Thios will be passed back to the force in question to respond to, they have no choice but to respond to it.

Assuming that you have basic details of officer name(s) & number(s), for those involved. Failing that, times, dates & station to which you were taken to. From that can be worked out the officer(s) involved.

Also worth considering is a Freedom of Information request. I'd also ask for copies of the notebooks used by all the officers involved, to be included in that request. After all they've nothing to hide have they!

Process is slow, tedious & in my opinon designed to grind you down. Don't let it or them.

If you are using a solictor, get them to make the complaint & request on your behalf.

Best o' luck


classic33 said:
Assuming that you have basic details of officer name(s) & number(s), for those involved. Failing that, times, dates & station to which you were taken to. From that can be worked out the officer(s) involved.

One of the problems that I have encountered is that some police officers involved in 'sensitive' duties either cover or remove their numbers making it impossible to identify them with any certainty. I saw this regularly when I was involved in eco-activism.

Of course, you could use the Data Protection Act 1998 to obtain CCTV footage from any cameras in the area. This would meaning going back to the area and noting down the numbers given on the legal notices which will be up somewhere. However this behaviour would no doubt once again make you liable to arrest under Section 58!


Melvil said:
BTW Thanks for the info re prohibited places and terrorism Act. Didn't realise the onus was on them to designate the prohibited place.

The sign will say something like:

"This is a prohibited place within the meaning of the Official Secrets Act. Unauthorised persons entering the area may be arrested and prosecuted."

Perhaps more...

Night Train

Maker of Things
I found it very depressing reading. Makes me feel even more anarchic then I did when I was a teen. Perhaps the only way to get a sensible government and police force is to have a clean slate and then employ/elect intelligent and sensible grown up people.

I would really want to be able to challenge something like this but as P'man says it isn't worth it. I feel that we have found ourselves in a country run by such paranoia that it would prove near impossible to report anything like this with any genuine result or change in the system never mind the repercussions for daring to speak out.

Hey P'man, I'm glad you survived intact. It shames me to know that we live in a country where this sort of thing happens.
As an 'ethinic' person I find myself avoiding any and all situations that might cause PC Plod to 'salivate at the sound of the bell' and shoot me for him being stupid.
I know not all Police are as bad but how can a decent law abiding person know?


New Member
The police acted like complete and utter cocks, your arrest was complete bullshit and the abuse you suffered in custody was shamefull

However, once they did have you in there clutches (rightly or wrongly) the stuff they then found was probably good reason to hold you

I mean come on dude

1 - Pictures taken on the underground

2 - Pictures of yourself in fighting order

3 - Pictures of what looks like a collection of automatic weapons

They will wriggle out of this one on the grounds of those 3 bits of info, everything surrounding your arrest was paranoid lunacy, apart from the photos - that wasnt IMHO

Mr Pig

New Member
Good grief, the world we live in.

About twenty years ago I was visiting my sister in Germany. We were driving past the gate of an American Air Force base and she was telling me about how it was the biggest USAF base in Germany, how they shipped their cars over from The States so they felt at home etc and I took a couple of snaps with my 35mm pocket camera. She shouted 'don't take pictures!', so I stopped. I asked what the problem was and she said that if they saw us taking pictures they'd chase after the car and stop us!

I guess there are two ways to look at it. Yes, it's a total nightmare what happened to you but what if they didn't check suspicious people out? I mean how many people carry pictures in their wallets of themselves dressed in combat gear holding what looks exactly like rear guns? Can you imagine the fuss if they'd stopped someone carrying that and not bothered to check it out?

'Well, ok, he turned out to be a terrorist and blew up sixty people, but when I spoke to him he seemed a nice enough chap so I let him go"

Sorry mate, but all things considered I think they did have to check you out.


Resting in suspended Animation
Strangely enough (or not) I had two guys in a previous job who were in the TA who did carry around photos like that and had them plastered around at work as well as other tomfoolery that went on. On my course at university there were some people involved in a scandal and they allegedly had videos and photos in their room of such prank activities. It's clutching at straws appeasing this obnoxious behaviour to treat someone like that.


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
I've been thinking about this all afternoon. As depressed as I am that this happened, I'm encouraged that pzycoman has written about it so eloquently. A lot of us would like to see pzycoman challenge what happened, but given the significant possibility of being hassled and intimidated... I am so ashamed to be writing those words about the UK. :ohmy:

pzycoman: Do you mind if I post a link to your story in a couple of places? Nothing that'll thrust you into the limelight I hasten to add.
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