Worth repeating. +1.they should be able to function as people.
Worth repeating. +1.they should be able to function as people.
Catrike UK said:Why were you thinking of ways to blow up a plane? Now that is worrying. Are you a terrorist sympathiser?
Catrike UK said:Why were you thinking of ways to blow up a plane? Now that is worrying. Are you a terrorist sympathiser?
Catrike UK said:Why were you thinking of ways to blow up a plane? Now that is worrying. Are you a terrorist sympathiser?
Disgruntled Goat said:At this point, for Over the Hill, I would like to quote Batty (Rutger Hauer) the replicant from Bladerunner:
"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave."
Some of us refuse to live in fear, no matter what our masters tell us.
Rhythm Thief said:You forgot this -Unless, rather depressingly, you're being serious.
Over The Hill said:So - Do you have locks on your doors at night? Do you lock your car, do you chain your bike up. Do you lug a bike lock and a bunch of keys around with you wherever you go?
Yes of course you do (unless you live somewhere that is crime free).
We all in normal life take precautions against someone doing something unpleasant to us. Be it being robbed or being blown up. What is the difference?
It is a matter of finding a balance between the fear of the crime and the inconvenience of steps taken in stopping it.
I ran a Jewellery shop once and was attacked by robbers who beat me up and robbed the shop. I do not now live in fear of it but I do lock my door. I am pleased if a policeman is outside walking past. I am pleased and choose to live in a land with a good legal system and one that is reasonably on top of crime. Are you saying we should not have police? Terrorism is no different to any other crime. You have to take steps to stop it. That may be inconvenient but any steps to stop crime are inconvenient.
It is not some great conspiricy to take away your freedom to go on a plane with a bottle of liquid nor is it a plot to give all asians a hard time. It is just policing a facet of crime like any other.
Over The Hill said:So - Do you have locks on your doors at night? Do you lock your car, do you chain your bike up. Do you lug a bike lock and a bunch of keys around with you wherever you go?
Yes of course you do (unless you live somewhere that is crime free).
We all in normal life take precautions against someone doing something unpleasant to us. Be it being robbed or being blown up. What is the difference?
It is a matter of finding a balance between the fear of the crime and the inconvenience of steps taken in stopping it.
I ran a Jewellery shop once and was attacked by robbers who beat me up and robbed the shop. I do not now live in fear of it but I do lock my door. I am pleased if a policeman is outside walking past. I am pleased and choose to live in a land with a good legal system and one that is reasonably on top of crime. Are you saying we should not have police? Terrorism is no different to any other crime. You have to take steps to stop it. That may be inconvenient but any steps to stop crime are inconvenient.
It is not some great conspiricy to take away your freedom to go on a plane with a bottle of liquid nor is it a plot to give all asians a hard time. It is just policing a facet of crime like any other.
Catrike UK said:I don't think either of them are terrorists