My arrest story

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Taking the biscuit
A sickening story and a clear view of the bullying face of British 'security'.

I can only offer you and your family my deepest sympathies and commend you on your passive and forward thinking approach to these events.

I personally don't feel any pride in the UK when sections of our community are continually targeted and humiliated by our so called 'public servants'.

Many years ago I was stopped and manhandled by two Police Officers in the West End of London, six times in two weeks, for the crime of 'allegedly' stealing my own Motorbike, on each occasion they handled me roughly and wasted an hour intimidating me for the same information.

I started enquiries as to how to report the Officers in question for harrassment, in short I was 'kindly' reminded that as I had never actually been arrested or charged I should count my blessings and a request to investigate these officers would put a mark on records that would be worse than an actual conviction, should I be stopped again.:smile:


Legendary Member
Since when has it been illegal to take photos inside British airports? I associate this with airports in nasty countries like Syria!


New Member
Huffing a kitten
Rigid Raider said:
Okay, presumably you are Asian? Do you by any chance have a big bushy beard? Any cap? Were you carrying a rucsac? What was it that made the copper suspicious? Was it just the fact that you had the temerity to ask him questions? Forgive my questions but I'm curious to know what triggered his paranoia.

This is me - - never have a full beard, more of a goaty type arrangement. Didnt have a cap or a rucsac, only the sunglasses in that pic, and a high perf camera (Nikon D300, with MB-D10, and a Sigma 50-500)...

Im not sure if complaining about hte police is A) wise and :smile: will achieve anything - If they have the power to detain me for no reason, whats to stop them from holding me for 42 days or whatever the stupid limit is nowerdays? And about B - Forest Gate police raid, accdentally shot a man in the sholder, nothing happened. Jean Charles DeMenezes, nothing happened, etc etc etc. No point in all the hassle.


pzycoman said:
Im not sure if complaining about hte police is A) wise and :smile: will achieve anything - If they have the power to detain me for no reason, whats to stop them from holding me for 42 days or whatever the stupid limit is nowerdays? And about B - Forest Gate police raid, accdentally shot a man in the sholder, nothing happened. Jean Charles DeMenezes, nothing happened, etc etc etc. No point in all the hassle.

I would defintely contact Liberty though - at the very least your story can add to the weight of their campaigning efforts in the area, and doesn't need to be so personally risky.


Legendary Member
Not wishing to diminish your frightening experience but I wonder how many other people suffer the same kind of wrongful arrest and bullying in Britain and other so-called free countries? Anybody remember the story of the British university lecturer who got roughed up by American police when he made the mistake of crossing the street in the wrong place? He ended up on the Monday morning in front of a magistrate who had the intelligence to see straight through the Police's story and freed the poor man with an apology.

Few people have his or pzycoman's articulacy and determinatiion - or the means - to publish their stories.

Found it, here:


True, however there is a big difference between that kind of odd case and the encouragement of paranoid policing that vague catch-all legislation like The Terrorism Act 2000 produces.
Reminds me of my times in late 80s and early 90s when IRA threat was raised so being Irish equated to or seemed to equate to in the minds of a good proportion of Police as being a terrorist or sympathizer . I learned to wear a suit and tie and hand in my UK driving licence as id on UK side when going through airports. .. speeded things up for everyone.. meant the police could detain some other poor mayo or galway farmer.
On the DNA and fingerprint side of things as you weren't actually charged aren't you allowed to ensure those have been destroyed ?


Rigid Raider said:
Since when has it been illegal to take photos inside British airports? I associate this with airports in nasty countries like Syria!

I read up on the law later. Technically speaking under the official secrets Act 1911 it is illegal to photograph a 'prohibited place' that could be of use to the enemy in times of conflict. These 'prohibited places' include:

  • Defence (ha! wonderful word, that) establishments
  • Any road, railway, waterway or any place used to electricity, gas and waterworks
  • Any property belonging to the Civil Aviation Authority which I presume now includes BAA.
The Terrorism Act of 2000 also now includes photographs taken which might aid terrorism and, yes, since 'terror' is a pretty open-ended concept this means that pretty much anything and everything is considered fair game, common-sense notwithstanding.

This link has some very useful information regarding the rights of UK photographers and is worth a read:

Hope this helps.
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