Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Another dreich morning, although there are signs of it clearing up.

Roads noticeably busier on the perambulation now that the schools are back.

Another little bit of the new shared use path parking place has been opened.

I know one junior school is back locally, but my grandchildren aren't. I saw a boy & girl in uniform when walking the dog, so presumably the secondary schools are. Quite a bunch of young people at the bus stop so the colleges are probably back too.
Grey and humid here chez Casa Reynard after overnight rain.

Slept so-so. Seemed to always be on the verge of wakefulness, so night was not restful. I have spent the morning doing all those little tasks that don't take long individually, but that collectively chew up quite a bit of time. At least the one thing that I *didn't* need to do was water all the planters.

A bit of frustration, as I am trying to trace some specific issues of Motoring News that are mentioned in the issues of "Wheelspin" that I acquired recently. My bookseller friend doesn't have any from the right timeframe, and I found that the Bay of E seller that I have used in the past pulled his entire stock from sale over the weekend. So back to the drawing board...

Anyways, it is time for luncheon and I has a hungry.
Builders have arrived next door again

time for these?


Well after what was not a promising start this morning it's turned into a lovely sunny day. So shorts back on and loving the sun shine.
Thought tonight was our newly started "date night" but Mrs 73 has informed me it's tomorrow night. I did wonder as she's working today, it's being on a short shift that's thrown me.


I know one junior school is back locally, but my grandchildren aren't. I saw a boy & girl in uniform when walking the dog, so presumably the secondary schools are. Quite a bunch of young people at the bus stop so the colleges are probably back too.

They have round here every one is back. We are now back to the twice a day car madness from the 2 near by primary schools. It's like a cross between wall to wall car park meets wacky races , they are just on auto pilot and see nothing or anyone.
Lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with salami cacciatore, one with cream cheese, plus an apple, a nectarine and the obligatory two :cuppa:

First post-prandial task completed, namely removing the meat from the chicken I cooked. White meat in one tub for sandwiches, dark meat in another tub to be diverted to other cooked dishes e.g. curry, pasta, pies, that sort of thing, and the bones, jelly and skin are in another tub waiting to be turned into stock.

I am now sat down working on some writing, and in about an hour and a half, I shall tootle off to Tesco as I am in need of bread, milk, carrots, table salt and some face cream for the parental unit.


Its Friday come early. Have the rest of the week off, albeit it looks like waiting for the delivery of the new lamp tomorrow and then two days of stupid gusts.
Booked next weeks blood test at lunchtime only then at the hospital to be told I now only need one every 3 weeks. Thankfully the doctors have an automated cancellation line so no half hour waiting to answer
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