Mundane News

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Legendary Member
The breeze has really picked up round here. I forced myself to get out of the house for a short bike ride into Felixstowe and back for the fresh air benefits and the return leg required quite a bit of effort into the head wind.
It's been a soggy and squelchy day here chez Casa Reynard. Lots of rain early doors, then a hoolie much of the afternoon and into the evening. Definitely a day for staying indoors.

Slept well - and slept in. Did a load of laundry, topped up the wood bins and have had a mostly quiet day listening to the football on the radio and reading some articles related to the drawings that I'm identifying / cataloguing. I've only got about 40 more photos left to go through - although a good half of that has four drawings to a photo, as they're mainly A4 & A3 sized. Those, I recognise as belonging to one of the projects we were expecting to find. In fact, this is the project with the most amount of material extant.

Stuff on one car that I was expecting to find in this collection, I haven't found at all. I mentioned this to the historian / bookseller friend who brought me in on this in the first place, and he mentioned that the museum which has another chunk of stuff produced by this particular company also has diddly squat on the car in question. Which means that someone, at some point in the past, has probably cherry-picked the drawings and kept the best stuff.

I've also found out (whilst furkling about on an engine forum Mr Google found for me) that a third chunk of these drawings were sold on Ebay around about 2006 time, and were bought by a participant of said forum. Who then posted the odd picture of some stuff Unfortunately, said thread has been long abandoned - like 12 years. But having spent much of the last fortnight working on building this catalogue, what he mentions is rather familiar.

Had a lovely supper of vegetable & pasta soup, chicken & vegetable frittata, bread & butter and a dessert of raspberries.

Now it's almost time for a :cuppa: and MOTD


Leg End Member
The Patient watches a lot of garbage television programmes that are not my cup of tea, and he has the volume on loud.

If I bought these can I listen to my choice of music, and block out the noise of the television. Or can I sit in another room and not hear the television programme.

"Secrets of the London Underground" is interesting for the first half hour, and "down hill carting with red bull wings" is tedious at times.
Tried entering that once or twice. Told that my design*, head first and able to run either side up, wasn't safe or within the rules.
I've since seen a few that have gone with the headfirst design, and at least one that ran upside down. Which has had me wondering.

*Think "The Tumbler" from Batman Begins.


Leg End Member
@Illaveago, @Reynard, @tyred, any of you willing to take a chance with the lens I mentioned earlier?
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