Mundane News

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Charlies flashing collar thing worked a treat this morning. Be a lot easier to see him on less clear morning and the problem areas of the park. When my head torch briefly missing him moving around. Need to change the settings though it was like watching him moving in an old hand turned film. Getting it off him however another story he was not giving up his new bling easily.


Should have put "If undelivered please return to...." in the back

Reminds me that one of our friends chose " Return to Sender " as the exit music for his funeral...


My presents, except for the aforementioned cheese selection, cat treats, dog treats and the biskits for the postie and bin / recycling bods are home made. All my friends will be getting a jar of either chutney, marmalade or jam.

I have some very festive orange & cranberry marmalade this year.

Last few years i've set myself a challenge at least one of Mrs 73 presents is home made. I like the planning and playing around with ideas they don't all make it though. Normally food related personal twist on well known brands. Last year was my take on a Cuthbert the caterpillar inc packaging. This year i'm thinking something around festive friends i've ordered some specially made cutters.


Pouring down again, hence car on the Waitrose run this morning again. Passed one brave cyclist battling both the rain and the climb of the southbound Ripon Road. 50p off 2 pints milk again (two weeks running). Stopped off at the Co-Op on the return to use 40p off fruit on a bag of oranges.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Grey and wet again and I have just been out checking my electricity meters. Oh Dear.
Very dear in fact so there will have to be some cutbacks.
I am still with OVO who seem to have anybody here very much against them. The bit of the FB page with their faults is getting longer by the minute.

It seems you cannot exist here without internet access and an email address.
Calmac have sent amendments to the timetable and new tickets which have to be downloaded and preferably printed.
I do have a smart enough phone and ipad but I doubt everybody is suitably equipped. Mind you while the phone may be smartish the operator is not and I can see some fun when checking in tomorrow.
It is not their fault and so it is a bit unfair to tease the check in ones too much but they may pass on problems tho' I doubt the management will pay much attention.
You will gather that our lives are governed by Calmac to a large extent as we need to travel off for all sorts of reasons but as you get older medical matters tend to loom large.


Legendary Member
Good afternoon from a very wet and squelchy Suffolk. I appear to be having yet another dressing gown day as the flu is hanging on for yet another day - mostly involving a very liquid cough, filling tissues with a horrible yellow muck from my nose and a headache probably caused by the strain of coughing. Please let this be the last day as I'd really like to get out and about for a bit on Sunday.
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