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coffee & Flipping Bangers


Vice Admiral
Another cuppa about to be consumed before deciding on what outfit to wear so I don't clash with @Speicher

I do not think it matters if we clash colour-wise. That adds to the drama. Tonight I am doing the Argentine Tango, so my outfit will be mainly black, but with some orange, purple, pink and red.

Oh, and a hat with a very tall feather on it.

I should add that I nearly did not make it back indoors today. I was doing some gardening, general tidying up of dead foliage. A sudden strong gust of wind nearly blew me over the Malvern Hills.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
who does the maintenance? are you a fleet driver of some kind?

Someone, somewhere does the maintenance.. I just drive from A to B and back again, occasionally via C D and/or E.
I don't get involved with the mucky bit.. When I was management, it was part of my job to sort maintenance but I never actually touched a spanner!


Vice Admiral
The Patient watches a lot of garbage television programmes that are not my cup of tea, and he has the volume on loud.

If I bought these can I listen to my choice of music, and block out the noise of the television. Or can I sit in another room and not hear the television programme.

"Secrets of the London Underground" is interesting for the first half hour, and "down hill carting with red bull wings" is tedious at times.


The Patient watches a lot of garbage television programmes that are not my cup of tea, and he has the volume on loud.

If I bought these can I listen to my choice of music, and block out the noise of the television. Or can I sit in another room and not hear the television programme.

"Secrets of the London Underground" is interesting for the first half hour, and "down hill carting with red bull wings" is tedious at times.

They would be ideal. I have a pair of sony headphones that are similar. I " lost " them but found them again when moving a monitor that I'd put away in a cupboard and found them hooked over the top of the screen. The leatherette type covering of the earcups had started to crumble but I have a replacement pair of memory foam ones winging their way to me, all for the princely sum of £10.


Itching to get back on my bike's
I do not think it matters if we clash colour-wise. That adds to the drama. Tonight I am doing the Argentine Tango, so my outfit will be mainly black, but with some orange, purple, pink and red.

Oh, and a hat with a very tall feather on it.

I should add that I nearly did not make it back indoors today. I was doing some gardening, general tidying up of dead foliage. A sudden strong gust of wind nearly blew me over the Malvern Hills.

Ok I think blue then for me.

Been a while since I went over the Malverns


Vice Admiral
They would be ideal. I have a pair of sony headphones that are similar. I " lost " them but found them again when moving a monitor that I'd put away in a cupboard and found them hooked over the top of the screen. The leatherette type covering of the earcups had started to crumble but I have a replacement pair of memory foam ones winging their way to me, all for the princely sum of £10.

I like John Lewis as opposed to the Big River site. They give free deliver on orders over £50.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Rain all day so nothing much outside done.
A bit of packing for my trip off and I seem to always carry too much.
One item which goes everywhere is my "hospital bag" which contains some essentials including a pack of current medication.
I got caught out once so it always travels with me. Fortunately on that occasion my son was at home as my car had to be abandoned in the hospital car park when I was over for a routine scan which detected a large stuck gallstone and I was whisked off to a larger hospital.
He was able to come and get the car to take it back home till I returned.

On another thread there is discussion about potholes. I don't want to duplicate anything there but some years ago we had several bad pot holes which the council never seemed to get round to.
Some enterprising people filled them with soil and planted a variety of pot plants which did indeed get the council attention. :whistle:


A mostly sort of nothing day just not been up for it today. Other than the dog walks and quick call into the tescos up the road. The weather put pay to much been raining heavy for most of it along with high winds. Was planning to do a more Christmas baking this afternoon but fall asleep. Have made a start on present wrapping though with a few festive tunes along the way. Still more to do but having a break for now rest can wait for another day.
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