Back in my apartment.
Deutsche Bahn seem to think they're doing well to achieve two out of the three above.
Train 1: (Stuttgart-Karlsruhe) Wlan, Punctual, no bog.
Train 2: (Karlsruhe Offenburg) No W-Lan, Punctual, Working bog.
Train 3: (Offenburg-Freiburg) W-Lan, Stopped for a rest for about ten minutes in the middle of nowhere, working Bog (at least people kept going in and out).
It's noticeable that the older trains seem to work where it's important, even if the W-lan doesn't. According to an announcement on one of the stations the ten minute delay was for "repairs to the train", which is worrying especially as they're brand new.
Also slightly annoying the way DB announces "All planned connections will be met" as if they've somehow pulled out all the stops and achieved something out of the ordinary.