Mundane News

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Also slightly annoying the way DB announces "All planned connections will be met" as if they've somehow pulled out all the stops and achieved something out of the ordinary.
Reassuring at the least or do they normally not hold a connection if there is a later connecting train. Pretty frustrating at Derby for example when the connection for Nottingham leaves just as the arriving train approaches the platforms.


All at sea⛵
Back in my apartment.

Deutsche Bahn seem to think they're doing well to achieve two out of the three above.

Train 1: (Stuttgart-Karlsruhe) Wlan, Punctual, no bog.
Train 2: (Karlsruhe Offenburg) No W-Lan, Punctual, Working bog.
Train 3: (Offenburg-Freiburg) W-Lan, Stopped for a rest for about ten minutes in the middle of nowhere, working Bog (at least people kept going in and out).

It's noticeable that the older trains seem to work where it's important, even if the W-lan doesn't. According to an announcement on one of the stations the ten minute delay was for "repairs to the train", which is worrying especially as they're brand new.

Also slightly annoying the way DB announces "All planned connections will be met" as if they've somehow pulled out all the stops and achieved something out of the ordinary.

Being spoiled compared to UK.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Wet and windy all day and not outside even as far as the bin. I seem to be suffering from SAD as it gets very depressing and I sleep more than usual.
Snowdrops seem to be bit slow flowering this year as often they are flowering in late December or early January. Another strange thing I notice is a smaller number of molehills by the roadside compared to recent years.
Not looking forward to the summer here either when the touroid hordes appear to clutter up the roads and block all parking.
In the first 24 hours after Calmac opened the booking service for summer sailings there were just over 15000 bookings made tho’ not all to here fortunately.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Reassuring at the least or do they normally not hold a connection if there is a later connecting train. Pretty frustrating at Derby for example when the connection for Nottingham leaves just as the arriving train approaches the platforms.

I can vouch that it's even more frustrating when it's a plane that doesn't meet its once-a-day connection.
Happened a good few years ago, but an Emirates plane landed at not-Dubai, stayed there for 10 hours, then went to Dubai.
And we thought a 9:40 hour connection was easily enough... We had an excellent view of the Auckland flight taking off without us.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
How naughty must you have been?

Mundane award winner of today. MAWoT.

Sounds a bit rude. A new insult?

Obviously very naughty as I'm still here :laugh:


Legendary Member
Today was a slow Sunday in which quite a bit was done, but at a very leisurly pace. A decent lie in with a mug of coffee while listening to the radio was followed by changing the bedding a day early as I'm off out tomorrow. After a second cuppa, the bedding was put on to wash and, with an hour to kill, I walked into town rather than bike just to get half a dozen eggs getting home just as the spin cycle finished. After putting the washing onto the clothes horse and a spot of lunch I then finally got round to washing the car to remove the road grime picked up when I took my mum down to see her sister back in early December. Thanks to a bit of a breeze, it dried off quite rapidly so a quick polish was done as well.

To round things off in truly mundane style, the wheelie bin has been put out front ready for emptying tomorrow.
Reassuring at the least or do they normally not hold a connection if there is a later connecting train. Pretty frustrating at Derby for example when the connection for Nottingham leaves just as the arriving train approaches the platforms.

They can be a bit pants at that to be fair, or if I'm being charitable, a bit inconsistent. On the other hand I've arrived at a tiny rural station in the Black Forest to find my connection waiting along with several buses, so they can do it when they feel like it.
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