Mundane News

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I've been doing a bit of stuff this afternoon . I fitted a new battery in my friends watch and then tried removing the bottom steel bearing track from my set of forks . The crown and steerer are ally and have got on well together ! I tried tapping it off with a flat bladed screwdriver and a hammer but it wasn't having it ! In the end I filed the track until it was almost trough, it snapped so I was able to rotate it until it came off .


Cooking Mrs 73's tea hopefully she's not going to be late. :smile:


Nice thirty-five miles completed on the single speed and nice to see a good stretch in the evening now. A few Kamikaze drivers around today.

Must wander of the shop now to see if I can find something nice for tea as I'm hungry.

Auto correct keeps trying to change hungry to Hungary. I know I could do with losing a few pounds but I'm not as big as a country just yet!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I thought you were going to say that was your office . I was going to say . "It looks a bit far away ! "
Actually this is the view from my office/bedroom today.



All at sea⛵
Well, the burst pipe is fixed. One of those armoured jobbies was obviously not as armoured as everyone thought.

Spectacular shower of hot water and steam greeted HID when she investigated the odd noise coming from under the sink.
Suggesting that the steam and growing puddle were strong clues to something water based was not smart.
My foresight in leaving a screwdriver in the cupboard to shut the inline valves spared us a lot of water.
I thought writing stop cock on the wall near said item was quite smart too. Just some people have no idea about the convention regarding opening and closing valves

In the heat of the moment calling her something like " numb wit " didn't help the moment.

Aside from that we gained control of the situation. Wandered of to the plumbing supplies chap for replacements. This opened a discussion about the tap. A replacement was deemed necessary by the domestic facilities director.
New tap ordered and arrived lunchtime and was installed by the live in handyman.
Success in this project may mean I'm allowed to sleep indoors tonight.

Plus side it it precipitated a clear out of the crap stored under the kitchen sink.


All at sea⛵
Actually this is the view from my office/bedroom today.

View attachment 675864

Reminds me of an old joke.

First woman: why do men always have women as secretaries?
Second Woman: Don't know
First woman: Because sheep can't type.

Never quite got it....
Oooh! A previous post reminded me of a complete Dick Head this morning ! I won't tone it down as the person was a right one .
We were driving along towards a mini roundabout . 100 yards ahead of us was a Learner driver who had just entered the roundabout . We then saw this complete idiot enter the roundabout from the right having looked right but not in front of them ! They then proceeded to overtake the learner by cutting across the centre of the roundabout in front of them ! I hope the examiner or instructor took the person's number or even caught it on a dash cam ! :angry:


I’ve spent half an hour sorting out a friends iCloud account after he’d locked himself out. Q: “ what password did you use? A: “ “ I’m not sure “
Q: “ what phone number did you set up for the recovery code? “
A: “ I can’t remember, I think it might have been the next door neighbour “ 🤔
It's been a mild-ish and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, then went off erranding into town this morning. Got everything done that needed doing. After a very fine luncheon of a ham & brie sandwich, an apple, a pear and two :cuppa: went out and turned a load of firewood into logs and stashed it all in the garage. I have also re-filled all the wood bins in the house as I didn't yesterday and I only had four logs left plus a bit of kindling. With all that done, it means that other than sorting a few minor things for Sunday, I can kick back and relax tomorrow.

Watched a very enjoyable E-prix from Diriyah earlier and now getting ready to watch tonight's FA Cup game. *wibble*

The girls have been fed (Felix AGAIL with lamb) and soon it will be time to feed me.
Where is that bl**Dy comet?
I've been out looking . I've seen 5 satellites!
I've looked on the net and they aren't very helpful ! Is it a bl**Dy secret !
Why don't they just say look at the sky it would be more helpful than telling me when it first appeared or when it will finally disappear!
It would be helpful if they said look North , South , East or West! Above the horizon or directly overhead !
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