Mundane News

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I've just invented the Wiltshire Pizza. I started off with a plain cheese Pizza and added corned beef, chunks of apple , grapes, a couple of olives , cheddar cheese and tomato ketchup. I thought it tasted nice.


Got my bits out in the sun. Lovely day.
My bits have to be covered up.Hat always and factor 50 on face and hands.Piggin chemo even though i am 14 months in remission.


Legendary Member
What a lovely afternoon for a bike ride - the arms were out again, but the knees & legs can stay under cover for a little while longer. Thought about sitting outside with a coffee & a squash, but the camping chairs I've got are quite uncomfortable even for a short use, so I've started looking for a traditional style deck chair which I can store folded in the bike shed. The main problem is £60 (+P&P) from John Lewis for a good one.

In good news corner, the full set of paperwork has finally arrived from my solar installers and the move to Octopus Flux has started. Hopefully within a few weeks I'll start getting paid for the excess electricity and this will cover most of my standing charges and what little mains electric I use.


Legendary Member
Cranks which, when clipping a hidden tree trunk as you go cross-country, are not supposed to be at 90 degrees.

The result was a scoot / walk / one-legged ride home and the discovery of worn threads on a very battered old crankset. Why couldn't it have failed the Shimano recall?

And yes, I know I'm supposed to be taking things easy, but ...
I take it there's no further hand damage with a hit that hard on the frame?


A couple of hours with George my neighbour.90 this week,neighbour took him out for an Italian meal at dinner time,tomorrow his son is taking him out for fish and chips,Murgatroyds near Leeds and Bradford Airport,plus tonight a story about a Sgt Nash who was skint after gambling and asked George to buy his watch. A 1952 Pulsar Army issue watch with the original strap,it was very nice.
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