Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
Managed to drop a mattock on my thumb this morning. Not the kind of thing you want to drop on your thumb but lesson learned. Don’t hang heavy tools in the shed on flimsy nails. Thumb still attached so all good. 👍

Curse of the mattock owning classes.


I've just been to the dentist. Both my lips are completely numb, too numb to drink coffee, and I want a mug.

Helps to have a supply of straws
Office day and the frost wasn't as severe at 7.15 this morning compared to previous days. Lunchtime visit into Mountain Warehouse to visually size up rucksacks, bananas from M&S - my previous thoughts on them having fitted a blue light appeared wrong and then Asda shopped.
Ended with a work related visit and heading back south on the A61 the police car in front suddenly put its blue lights on and stopped. It was only then I noticed the chopped bush lying on the road.
In Killinghall my usual right turn was tailing back obviously with traffic avoiding the A61 closure further on. The best part of two sides of a triangle done instead. Apparently the roadworks will have gone come Monday.


Well postman did nothing.First real sunbathing.Then a little walk to Aldi for grapes,pork pie,breakfast cereal.Whilst out i noticed an old lady looking a bit lost.Sure enough as i was walking home,she approached me,could i help her find a bus stop.So enquiring where she needed to be,a care home i took her to the bus stop.I then saw i was opposite a cafe ,so i nipped in.The old lady was safe with three other women waiting for the 38 to Moortown.A slow walk home in good sunshine.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Got my bits out in the sun. Lovely day.


Home or work
Not a bad day out in London, but give me the potholed narrow and low traffic country lanes round here than the continuous traffic, full road width (unavoidable) speed humps/tables, randomly appearing and disappearing segregated cycle lanes and cycle superhighways that go the wrong way along one way streets. Then there's the illegal ebike riding delivery types, tourists without a clue on hire bikes, tourists without a clue on foot round various attractions and everything added up to only just having time for a quick wind down drink on completion rather than a relaxed one.

Having spent most of my life in the suburbs of SW London I’m used to the continuous traffic, disappearing segregated cycle lanes are a new, and irritating, phenomenon. Now I’ve got myself a job in Witney i look at the potholed country lanes and find them unappealing for cycling. In London I’m passing the traffic, out here locals coming round blind corners at speed scare me. Now it’s getting lighter in the evenings, but we’re getting into tourist season so there’s more traffic.
Should I bring a bike up with me and go for a wobble of an evening?
It's been a warm, slightly breezy and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well despite a yo-yo night thanks to lady issues. Been struggling all day with that. Hey ho, pain killers and a hot water bottle... Spent the morning crating up most of the stash of cut up kindling near the saw horse. What I've packed in crates is now in the garage, graded by size. Will probably finish the job tomorrow.

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with home made pate, the other with Boursin cheese, plus some fruit and the obligatory :cuppa:

Finished the chores, then took myself off for a lovely bicycular bimble, riding to Pymoor via the railway sidings, thence to the Hundred Foot, to the fishing lakes at Oxlode via the gravel trackway along the Hundred Foot, then back to Pymoor and home. A very nice hour spent in the company of Maximillian the MTB.

Bagged another programme from a 1987 FF2000 / Fast Fords meeting on the 'bay for my collection. Snetterton programmes are harder to find than ones from Brands and Oulton, say. Probably because the print run would've been smaller to start with. If I've got holes in the circuit racing programme part of my collection, it's invariably those from Snett...

Now sat by the fire with a :cuppa:


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Cranks which, when clipping a hidden tree trunk as you go cross-country, are not supposed to be at 90 degrees.

The result was a scoot / walk / one-legged ride home and the discovery of worn threads on a very battered old crankset. Why couldn't it have failed the Shimano recall?

And yes, I know I'm supposed to be taking things easy, but ...


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