It's been a bright, breezy and rather warm day here chez Casa Reynard.
Did not sleep terribly well, as *someone* inisited on hogging the pillow during the night, and then biting my nose every time I try to get comfy. As a result, my back is rather stiff and creaky, and I'm a tad grumpy. Hey ho...
Had a kitchen morning, and made a big pot of red lentil soup - basically a dahl with added stock. It's not very punchy on the heat front, but it's lovely and coconutty and creamy. Looking forward to some later.
Lovely luncheon of toast, my homemade pate (bloody fabulous, I say!), camembert, fruit and a
Went out to bring in a load of firewood this afternoon on account of next week being decidedly chilly in comparison to this, and it was a very frustrating experience. I only managed a third of a trailer, as the chainsaw still isn't playing ball - running *very* hot, not really cutting well and using both fuel and oil like it's going out of fashion. It wasn't so bad on Wednesday when I was dealing with some not-so-good bullace wood, but this was seasoned ash and field maple, and it just wasn't really having it. So some of tomorrow will be spent troubleshooting.
Now it threw the chain the other week, and I'm not sure why. The first step will be to check the bar and see if that's not bent. I will take the new bar off and put the old one back on, and see where that takes me. If there's no difference, then I can rule that out. My gut feeling is that it's either the chain that's fubared (irritating if it is, as it was a brand new chain a couple of months back), or there's something not right with the drive spindle. I did run the saw without the bar on, but the spindle looks OK - if it was bent, you'd see a visual wobble. Or at least that's the theory. Just because you *can't* see it doesn't mean that it could be slightly out. So I can't rule that out just yet.
I will need to do a tip run after the weekend anyway, and since Screwfix is in the business park next door, I shall pick up a cheap chain for a 14 inch bar and see how that works. The OEM chain cost me £25, and I normally get three to four years of wear out of it. If the cheap chain sorts it, I shall take the OEM chain back to where I bought it and look to get a refund or exchange on the basis that it wasn't fit for purpose.
Anyways, it's time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.