Mundane News

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Flip just turned the TV on. Still can't be too long before the 48th US president


Legendary Member
The wheels were dropped off at the Post Office this morning and are on their way to Wales. First time I've used the car in over two weeks and there was only just enough battery power to turn the engine over as the cold of this month really has drained it. I do use a solar powered battery maintainer thingie, but when there's been so little sun recently...
A 55 miles round trip along the A14 may have put a bit of charge back in, but the battery charged indicator didn't come on so I'll see what happens next time.

Other than that nothing much really - a bike ride was had, feeling eventually came back into my fingers & toes from the cold about an hour later.
Plus the road closure is this side of the roundabout that leads to and from the A14 - I thought it was the other side - which meant that on the way home I had to drive into Felixstowe and then two miles back on the high road. Thank goodness for bikes as I can use the pavement to get round the closure if I go that way.
It's been a mostly grey and chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well, as my brain wouldn't switch off. I got co-opted rather last minute into contributing to an upcoming motor racing publication - the book goes to print on Friday, so I was flat out yesterday, looking up stuff in my archive, scanning bits and cross-checking the manuscript for errors and omissions. Other than grabbing a bite to eat, I was at it for some fifteen hours straight. I also did some more on that today, but it boiled down to a couple of e-mails and dealing with a request for a high resolution scan of a piece of ephemera.

Did some chores today, and after a luncheon of black forest ham on toast, fruit and a :cuppa: I cut up a trailer's worth of firewood for logs, as the bin for cut logs in the garage was empty. I should have done that on Friday, but I was too knackered.

Cooked a lovely supper of braised lamb, jacket potato and a stilton caulisprout cheese with garlic crumb topping.

I am planning on a nice, quiet evening.


Über Member
Mr Mouse caught raiding the bird feeder - don't worry though he is in a very comfortable cell for this evening and he will be released a few mile away tomorrow, probably have another one by then


Über Member
Actually, that's a really neat little set-up. :becool:

thankyou - it is very efficient, it will of caught 100+ over this past few years
when they discover the bird feeders they just won't go away, they need to be caught and relocated usually to the other side of the river, the one above I will drop off on the way to the railway station this morning - may be I should take him up to edinburgh on the train (only joking I will leave in a lay by somehere)
I can nae harm them,
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