Mundane News

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Time for bed: from tomorrow I'm on an early shift in the shiny new city centre workshop, as the organisation is short-staffed over December. On the other hand, I'll be finished by about 2pm, and over the next month I'll probably build up sufficient overtime that I'll be able to work a three-day week in January...


Leg End Member
How do I verify that a scrap vehicle dealer has the right certification? There are so many spoof websites out there that I would like to find the correct one.
Try these sites.
Typical Siamese behaviour, an old lady I used to go shopping for as a kid (Monty the next door neighbour's Mum) had one and it could go from fusspot to 'rip you to shreds' in a heartbeat and he had been 'done'

Not really. Siamese can be annoying little sh*ts, but they're not evil. Cats of all breeds (and none) can be like this - and it's usually because they're not happy about something or that something traumatic has happened to them in the past. In this case, we think it's partly down to having been passed from pillar to post in her previous life - certainly, what her previous owner has told the rescue about her doesn't really match up with the actual cat. Polishing a turd kind of comes to mind.

Siamese and orientals are a lot like border collies in a way. They are very smart, they need to be kept busy / entertained, but they're affectionate, opinionated and very interactive companions.
Fabby supper of homemade pasta carbonara* and steamed savoy cabbage. Madam Lexi had Felix AGAIL with turkey & liver.

*made the proper Roman way, by frying up fatty smoked bacon till crisp and all the fat has rendered out, putting the pasta into that pan, then pouring over a "cream" made from eggs whisked with finely grated parmesan and plenty of freshly ground black pepper. :hungry:
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