Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
My working day is completed
If I knew how to operate the TV at the ice house I would watch TV but I don't so I won't


Windy end to Sunday continued into this morning. A For Sale/sold sign at a house opposite has broken for the fourth time.
Decided battling the wind was preferable to evening peak traffic so the ebike headed to Sainsbury's to resolve cheaply the latest looming milk shortage. Fastest ever ebike decent of showground hill was, a full rucksack later, followed by one of the slowest ascents. Battered by the wind I did avoid, just, from using the largest cogs.
Post WAH and the wind had dropped. Co-op trek and for once two Chicken & Ham bakes acquired.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Still a bit windy and some showers but managed a short walk just to get outside for a change.
Did not bother going down to look at whatever damage the floods have done and there will be another high tide tonight but with less wind it should not cause problems.
Should really go up and check my sheds and greenhouse but it looks like a better day tomorrow.
Nothing much achieved today apart from still sorting out stuff from my last trip away.
Cannot really be bothered and feeling tired so had a snooze in the afternoon. Trouble mainly is that there is nothing I really need to do apart from a bit of cooking which I have lost enthusiasm for.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Evening cuppa brewing
GP highlights watched


Legendary Member
A thoroughly miserable grey and murky day here in Suffolk.
Shopping trip done by bike with no problems, just a bit of stiffness in the knee. For some reason my Garmin watch registered a maximum heart rate of only 92bpm which is probably around 2/3rds of the actual rate based on experience.
I think I've found a decent local firm that should be able to replace the bath by the end of next week. The hitch is that the plumber is suggesting Wednesday which is when I'm off to Brighton. If this is the only day they can offer, I may ask mum round to house/plumber sit once I've gone. To be confirmed tomorrow.


Legendary Member
1st day of the working week completed. It was a strange day from a weather point of view as it was really nice most of the time but punctuated by some horrible showers.

The dangerous buildings are now gone in the Main Street, leaving a big gap where they stood since 1862. Part of one used to be a pool room where I spent too much time when I was supposed to be at college in the 1990s. A part of my youth flattened :sad: Where will they put the blue plaque when I'm famous!

Been to my dance class, managed to make it there and back without getting soaked.
Had a lovely time at the Supreme. Was a privilege to handle the cat that went overall best household pet, as was stewarding for Best in Show.

I think adrenaline got me through Saturday and yesterday, as today, the tank has been very empty. I have spent the day chilling mostly, and doing a bit of writing. I also had to make a big batch of tomato sauce to use up some more overripe tomatoes I've got in storage.

Have just watched the third programme in the new Brian Cox series on the Solar System.
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