Well the 0800 cycle event went ahead. Despite the presence of rain and threat of more.
Just turned into the home straight ( last 20 km) and colleague got a puncture.
I decided it was my collegiate duty to stay and help him. (posts passim)
Sheltered at the side of the lane he battled against the perversity of inanimate objects.
Also he is not very coordinated, code for organised.
So we came to a point where there were several bits of the QR wheel fixing missing.
I think it was his enthusiasm to get home and a lack of coordination that resulted in the bits being scattered across the verge earlier.
Also it didn't seem the time to tell him he didn't need to reduce the QR to it's individual components.
This was after he had realised that there is only one correct way that the rear wheel can be fitted.
It was by then lashing down whereas it had been just pouring.
Repair, of sorts effected, we set off for home.
This was the excuse some tractor driving yob needed to pass us close, pulling a low loader trailer. The resulting mud shower was unpleasant.
Had to hose me and the bike down when I got home.
But a morning cycle ride beats a day in the office any time.