Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I am normally excused laundry unless I have strict instructions on how to not knacker everything. Similarly, I am banned from doing anything with the whirlygig except to deploy it and take it down. Pegs are a definite no-no!

I'm the complete opposite, I hate other people washing my clothes. I've lost count of the number of items that have been shrunk or colour transferred by other people 'doing me a favour' by washing them and as for hanging them out. :eek: I always shake the creases out of T-shirts and Jeans before hanging them on the line to reduce the need for ironing, As for 'delicates' that say Hand Wash Only that get thrown in the washing machine, I once had a fantastic Purple Silk Shirt that got chucked in with everything else and came out in tatters. :cursing:
Had a lovely lunch of corned beef on toast, plus an apple and a :cuppa:

White coat is ironed and stewarding kit is all sorted out. Though I had to try and remember where I'd left the squeaky mouse. I found it in one of Madam Lexi's toy boxes.

I had originally thought to take a tripod camping stool, but when I winkled it out of the stick stand, I noticed that the canvas seat was a bit threadbare. I don't dare sit on it. So a project for the winter will be unpicking the original seat and replacing it. I have some yellow deckchair canvas which I can use - which is way more sturdy than the original fabric. So camping chair it is.

There will be chairs in the judging ring so I'm sorted for a large part of the day, but as I'm travelling with an exhibitor, I have to wait until the show closes, and so having something on which I can bumpark will be very handy.


All at sea⛵
Another day hijacked by the management.
I appeared downstairs dressed for cycling
She: Oh thought you were going to finish repairing the downstairs loo after the leak.
Me: It's finished. Waiting for painting. Your part of the effort (this was a silly piece of bravado on my part. I will pay)
She: Is there paint?
Me: Yes, undercoat and matt or gloss, in the boxes I hoard in the garage. Also the funny paint to cover up the stained plaster board.
She: Brushes, undercoat? (The latter was a bit of a vain effort to divert me.)
Me: Yes, there's a carrier bag full of disposable brushes in the box that has the paint rollers in. Next to the paint archive.
She: White spirit (really pathetic return of service)
Me: There's loads with the camping stuff. (I use it to power the primus, doesn't smell like paraffin does).
The paint is water soluble and the brushes are disposable. (A complete smash return)

She: (total change of tack) I thought we were going shopping this morning.
Me: Were we?
She: Yes!
Me ( bluff calling) Right, let's go. Then have lunch and I'll go cycling after lunch. (Planting a line in the sand)
So it evolved. I sulked around Aldi in cycling clobber. Had lunch and prepared to leave.
She: Where are you going
Me: (a lie) To the game butcher, fancy some nice sausages and some venison mince.
She: It's a nice afternoon for a cycle. I'll come with you.

( Now I use Komoot and she uses Google routes. We used her route and found some stiff little hills for the outward journey.
I cheated and set off first for the return, using a smoothed route for the return)
Overall result was 35 km round trip in pleasant sunshine.
Downsides we didn't have time to stop at the nice pub at the halfway point. She has a client to get back for.
And we were caught in the Armageddon of the school run around the small village schools the route passes. SUVs, Battle Cruisers and Technicals all driven by yummies late from their girlie lunch to get Tsaormina to her meaningfulness ballet class.
Real upside is that we got some venison sausages. Worth all the other stuff


Today the dumb work program was only working "virtualised" which the W10 laptop can access but not the W11 one. So request of could I return the W10 laptop had a negative response. Not sure why they are so keen to have it back unless its to wipe and put W11 on it.
Lunchtime ebike outing to Asda. Decided their oranges, at least, locally are the best. The sun put an appearance in for the return but didn't seem to last long thereafter.
A pedestrian mistook a right turn indication as me waving them across the road. They didn't but thanked me!
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Leg End Member
We have just walked past the local hospice, where a volunteer, presumably, was stood in the garden, in full view of the house, with the hood of his coat up while he was sharpening a scythe! Full marks for tactlessness.
Not me!!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out not too bad a day and could have gone out for a trike run but got involved in sorting out all sorts of aerosol cans which were stored beside the control panel for the storage heaters. A bit of a possible fire hazard so need to find somewhere else for them all.
Missing out on exercise is not good as I stiffen up and the last possible day was a couple of weeks ago when I was not feeling too good after the covid and flu jabs. Forecast suggests at least another week before I can get out. One doctor is not too happy with my cycling but I think he envisages something more energetic than my reality.
Saw a prime example of a cyclist not helping yesterday. Dark clothing against a dark background in bad light but a tiny red light did show up tho' only just visible. Brilliant front light is not much help to overtaking traffic.
Car is acting up bit again. If it was petrol I would think misfiring but not with a modern diesel. It appears to be a common phenomenon with the 1.6 tdi and vanishes for weeks or months only to reappear out of the blue. The garage computer is no help either.


Leg End Member

Heading for J28, M62 at Tingley!


Legendary Member
Left load of washing number two going in the machine and went out for a few hours this afternoon. When I came home load number one was nice & dry on the whirlygig but two of the towels looked as though they's been the victims of a bombing run by the pigeon (s)hit squad. They're now awaiting a quick re-wash - probably on Friday with the cycling clothing. Load number two is now on the clothes horse in the spare room to dry.

Other than that, nothing much to report except that I now have a survey appointment time & date for the solar panels & battery storage (if needs be I still have the reports from last year's survey), EE still haven't sorted out their cock-up but they have 'sent an adjustment request to management' and I have had half a dozen snack sized sausage rolls heated up in the air fryer as a late night treat.
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