Mundane News

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Legendary Member
...Oh well,let's see what happens later.

What happened was that the lure of the sunshine & warmth were too much and, assisted by a nice tailwind, I ended up in Bury St. Edmunds for lunch and drinks. The bad news was that the train home was the school run special which seemingly half of the local college goers use and all 4 carriages were rammed - myself and another cyclist only just managed to squeeze in at the doors.

Having had the best of the weather during daylight hours, it's now raining quite heavily and there was a rumble of thunder a few minutes ago.
I am now tucked up in bed after having had a plate of cheese & biskits.

I have printed some paperwork for Saturday, and I have also printed out a lace pattern for the parental unit and glued it to a suitable piece of card. I keep all the board-backed envelopes I receive precisely for this purpose, as cereal packet card can't cope with being stuck with pins too many times before disintegrating.


The Sun has got his hat on!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but dull and light wind this morning.
When I got up the moon was shining on the water down the Sound. Very pictursque as my wife used to say.

Lights on my storage heaters came on and they warmed up nicely overnight. All good so far but not had the bill yet.:eek:

Strange this morning with no junk mail. Every morning recently I have had at least 20 which get dumped immediately.
Nothing planned apart from probably going down and topping up the car fuel tank.
Might also renew my efforts to get some sense out of Vodaphone and OVO though I do not hold out much hope for either as it seems impossible to speak to a real person.
I did get somebody in OVO right enough but they were on a different continent and i could not get any sense out of them as I could not understand most of what they parroted from a cue sheet I think.


Legendary Member
Another dreich morning here on the perambulation. It's still so dark that I need the light on. The postman has been earlier than usual this morning but nothing for me apart from more advertising from an Indian takeaway.

The guy who read the traffic news on the wireless this morning sounded Australian. Every time I hear it, I'm always pleased I have no need to drive anywhere.

All ready to start another day at work.
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