Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a very soggy Suffolk after yesterday evening's rain. Another grey and miserable start to the day, but the clouds are now starting to clear and the sun is out.

Coffee has been had and I'm looking forward to another day of doing as little as possible.


Three loads of washing done and outside in the sunshine all mostly dry! Ironing in progress.
Warm, humid and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard after the overnight rain.

Slept reasonably well, and treated myself to a lie-in whilst listening to the cricket. I feel less grotty, but my sinuses are a snot factory today, I'm a bit chesty and my right arm still aches. The only constructive thing I have done so far is do a load of laundry.

This afternoon, I will iron my white coat as I will need it for Saturday (Supreme Cat Show), and I will begin to put together all the stuff I need. I'll start with my judging / stewarding kit, so will need to check the contents of the bag it lives in to make sure that everything is present and correct, and to refill bottles of hand gel and the like.

Tomorrow, I will sort out snacky stuff, as I'm feeding both the friend I'm travelling with and the judge I'm stewarding for. Ostensibly, all three of us will be provided with a lunch at the show (table workers, judges and stewards get fed), but cat shows being cat shows, things never run smoothly and sometimes luncheon can fall by the wayside. Or the only things left are the bits no one likes.

Anyways, time for luncheon here.
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