Mundane News

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Just had an email. My first campaign on a local issue as Parish councillor has been a success, 93% of 256 respondents supporting me. The district council have backed down over the issue.

Was that world domination? :whistle:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Tonight is the 37th Anniversary

As a Thanet resident, I lived through that..
My 4th floor flat in an Edwardian building, overlooking the sea, was actually moving. The water in the toilet bowl was rising & lowering.
A mate & I had driven our truck down the M2 straight into the carnage. We were planned to meet up at the yard at 04:00 and just managed to get home & back by weaving though the fallen trees and general storm blown debris.
Needless to say, our run that day was cancelled!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just had an email. My first campaign on a local issue as Parish councillor has been a success, 93% of 256 respondents supporting me. The district council have backed down over the issue.

Different scenario but when I was a political activist and did door to door canvassing I found a lot of people who wholeheartedly agreed with my views.
I often marked them down on the voter's roll as doubtful or against as experience taught me they either were frightened to upset the status quo or just wanted rid of me as fast and painlessly as possible.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Today is the eve of the great storm of 1987.

I remember it well as I woke in the middle of the night and saw a garden shed travelling along the road. I recognised it as belonging to a house a few hundred yards away.
Without even checking I was on the phone to our usual roofing contractor asap and got him working to replace slates before anyone else thought about it.


Legendary Member
Was that world domination? :whistle:

Does he have a white cat and a high-backed armchair?


Legendary Member
Another lovely morning for the perambulation through the sea of traffic cones.

I wonder just how many traffic cones have been produced since whenever they were invented and where they've all ended up!

I usually put raisins in my porridge but had forgot to buy more.

All ready for another day of enslavement.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A grey and slightly windy day but dry.
Electrical problems beyond my skill level so an electrician is due by lunch time. No hot water and my shower does no work.
Also waiting on A GP phone consultation about 0900.

We do get strange behaviour on our ferries sometimes.
I got stuck by not being able to get into my car until a large truck had moved to allow me to open my door. Meantime a guy on a mobility scooter kept going up and down in the lift. I suspect he should not have been out on his own and had lost his minder.

Yesterday was a nice day for the crossing but one large bunch commandeered a whole large table and had a full scale picnic in the lounge area with lots of shrieking and then started playing cards for the rest of the crossing.
Another time a family went into the cafeteria and got a table before helping themselves to the provided cutlery sauces etc and napkins before producing their own food. Could have been food allergies but somehow I doubt it.


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk where it's a grey and miserable start to the day. Coffee has been had with a Tesco variant of the Oatie biscuit which is way too dry and needs dunking to make it edible.

A shower, shave, shopping and a visit to see dad are the only things on today's to do list.
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