That does rather remind me of my distillery days when I was on duty 24/7 and could be called out at anytime outside the normal 8am to 5pm.
Got hauled over and questioned by plod several times in the middle of the night while driving fast to collect spares from various sources who had to get wakened in advance.
Hard going but I did enjoy my work in those days.
Mrs 73 is enjoying it too now she's fully in post and slowly taking over the running. Her UTC closers the doors at 8pm they aim to clear the cases by 10pm. It's trying to keep to the 4 hour wait that's hard and depending on how many are waiting. Depends when they finish now once flu cases start it's not uncommon for waits to go up 6 hours. Throw in a few emergencies like yesterday and it all go's to pot even more.
What would help is if people thought a bit 1st and used common sense. This week she's had a guy who come in with a bad foot , that he hurt 3 years ago. Nothing wrong with it or anything they can do about it. A mother with her 17 year demanding a list of drugs for his mouth ulcers.
When Mrs 73 looked they had all must healed , when she informed her that it was out of her scope of practice and no she won't prescribe them.
The mother kicked off about having wait 3.5 hours for nothing. They are all told at triage the wait and what they can treat and do. Before they came to the UTC they'd been to the dentist 1st. Who'd written down a list stuff to ask for. Mrs 73 pointed out the dentist can prescribe them, why they never asked them in the 1st place lord knows.
The other big thing is people who turn up in pain , 1st question always is have you taken any pain killers. No , why not, because I was coming here. Or parents with children with a fever not giving them any thing they too turn round and say because I was coming here.