Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I had my Flu jab this morning, it seemed much sharper and bigger than the Covid jab. I then went for coffee and a Berry sponge at a local (independent) coffee shop.

The waiter (are they called that in small coffee shops?) asked me what I would like. I did not know (I do now) whether I prefer a Mericano or a Presso. :scratch: He was too young to remember how to explain the difference, as everyone orders one or the other, and the man (maestro) behind the counter makes the coffee. It was like we were speaking a different language. The other coffee place I frequented used Ye olde English nomenclature for hot beverages. I ordered Mericano and just hoped it would not be too milky. He then asked me if I wanted milk with that, and hot or cold. :scratch:^_^

The story continueth. The last bit up to this house is up a fairly steep hill. The combination of the hill, just having had the jab, and being too warm, meant that I sort of fell off the kerb at the same time as a car was approaching. I expect they thought it was a bit early in the day to be drunk and disorderly. :giggle:
Roof-penetrating rain has stopped. Sun is out. (Cumbria).


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I had my Flu jab this morning, it seemed much sharper and bigger than the Covid jab. I then went for coffee and a Berry sponge at a local (independent) coffee shop.

The waiter (are they called that in small coffee shops?) asked me what I would like. I did not know (I do now) whether I prefer a Mericano or a Presso. :scratch: He was too young to remember how to explain the difference, as everyone orders one or the other, and the man (maestro) behind the counter makes the coffee. It was like we were speaking a different language. The other coffee place I frequented used Ye olde English nomenclature for hot beverages. I ordered Mericano and just hoped it would not be too milky. He then asked me if I wanted milk with that, and hot or cold. :scratch:^_^

The story continueth. The last bit up to this house is up a fairly steep hill. The combination of the hill, just having had the jab, and being too warm, meant that I sort of fell off the kerb at the same time as a car was approaching. I expect they thought it was a bit early in the day to be drunk and disorderly. :giggle:

You can't get coffee without kerfuffle. I brace myself when ordering a black americano for the supplementary ''Do you want milk?'' question. I tried simplifying things by ordering double espresso (espressi?) and a glass of tap water but they get their second question in with the ice or no ice dilemma.


Mrs 73 weekend off I've only seen her for about 1 hour today. As she was off out to some sort of Les Mis concert thing. Wont see her till late tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I get to see her more these long late shifts are a nightmare. Getting home past midnight is common once flu session starts they will be lucky to finish my midnight she been told i'ts often 1 in morning. So it's looking even later to get home in the coming weeks.
Had a lovely luncheon of a corned beef and chutney sandwich (shared the corned beef with Madam Lexi as it's one of her favourites), a nectarine, a small apple and two :cuppa:

Put two tubs of tomato sauce in the freezer, and have taken out a pack of diced lamb to defrost. That will be turned into a curry with the tomato sauce that resides in the fridge.

It has stopped raining here, and the sun has come out.
A nurse a couple of years ago explained to me why the flu needle was a bit bigger than the COVID one but I no longer remember what it was. (Was it that the flu vaccine was drawn in through the needle??)

Anyhow, I had either a very skillful or lucky injectorologist last week and both went in sweetly.

The ones I had today were all pre-drawn and individually packaged.

With my engineer's hat on, I would suspect that if the flu jab needle has a larger diameter (internal and ergo external), then the liquid is probably more viscous than the covid jab. IIRC, the flu jab is (or certainly was at one time) cultured in eggs, which may explain that.


You can't get coffee without kerfuffle. I brace myself when ordering a black americano for the supplementary ''Do you want milk?'' question. I tried simplifying things by ordering double espresso (espressi?) and a glass of tap water but they get their second question in with the ice or no ice dilemma.
It is only last week i had a mumble to a Barista.How complicated it is to buy a coffee today.First you have to get your app on the phone,then you scan it listen for the beep,then find your card in your wallet.Tap it or put your pin in.Or find your wallet and take out money.It was so much easier in Sids greasy spoon place,it was tea a cup or a mug


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I have a wet foot. I have to accept that one of the most comfortable pair of shoes I ever had are kaput. RIP :sad:

In the spirit of mundanity, could I suggest that as a pair that should be "is kaput"?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mrs 73 weekend off I've only seen her for about 1 hour today. As she was off out to some sort of Les Mis concert thing. Wont see her till late tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I get to see her more these long late shifts are a nightmare. Getting home past midnight is common once flu session starts they will be lucky to finish my midnight she been told i'ts often 1 in morning. So it's looking even later to get home in the coming weeks.
That does rather remind me of my distillery days when I was on duty 24/7 and could be called out at anytime outside the normal 8am to 5pm.
Got hauled over and questioned by plod several times in the middle of the night while driving fast to collect spares from various sources who had to get wakened in advance.
Hard going but I did enjoy my work in those days.
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