Mundane News

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I just noticed a big lump on my arm where I had a covid vaccine. Then I realised it's cotton wool.


Legendary Member
Since the rain shower cleared through earlier, it's been a lovely sunny and warm day, if a bit on the breezy side. The first shopping trip into was into Felixstowe and resulted in a slow puncture to the front tyre which held on long enough for me to get home. The second trip was into Ipswich and this resulted in a can of beer in the pannier getting punctured on one of the fittings.

Since then I have showered, shaved and snoozed. Now to go over the latest solar panel & battery proposal from the local council's scheme.
Had a lovely luncheon of wholemeal bread & butter with some chicken liver pate, a pear, some papaya and a :cuppa:

Did not move the apples to the utility room. Instead, I ended up stripping the fruit off the remaining six tomato plants. There was far more on there than I thought, so I will have to do some creative thinking in order to liberate another cardboard storage tray. Green wheelie bin gets emptied Thursday morning, so I will be able to clear up the rather tired looking plants.

Feeling rather tired now, so chilling in the company of Madam Lexi. I will have to get up in a short while in order to make room for some more tea.

We seem to have missed the forecast rain. Well, so far at any rate...


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
We seem to have missed the forecast rain. Well, so far at any rate...

/ blows hard in @Reynard 's direction. I don't want to be drying wet track tyres.

Oh, and I got my own back on SWMBO for making me buy three mattresses last month: she had to help me take them for disposal earlier. To the local tip, not thrown out of the back of the car as we were going along.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm not sure if that's playing fair! :laugh:

Just to add that I'm indoors. Not sure whether that makes a difference :whistle:


Afternoon walk started ok but ten come the rain that's been building most of there afternoon. Which up till then had turned into a nice sunny day. Light rain but heavy enough to get though my soft shell. Came back to damp washing that I'd left out on the line. So once id changed and dried off , I dumped the whole lot in the washing machine and gave it a good spin. Now it's on the airer soon be dry over night, then it was time to feed Charlie and now having a sit down with :cuppa:.


Remines me of the time some hours after having a filling my mouth was still numb. Back to the dentist for him to find a piece of cotton wool soaked in anesthetic.
When I had my wisdom teeth out they all healed up nicely, bar one which was still painful after a week, each time I swallowed it felt like someone hitting me on the temple with a hammer. When I looked closely in the mirror the back of my tongue was brushing against a small splinter of jawbone sticking out of the gum.
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