Mundane News

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Feeling a bit rough. I think my body is rebelling against some poor decision-making, to whit: not enough sleep, bad food, not enough layers for the weather, and possibly the use of some Cillit Bang to deal with mould on some fabric.

Turned out to be something else, which required a visit to the doctor.

Now I'm taking the medicine things are improving rapidly, but I'll take it easy today; first day of the new job on Tuesday.


Chillyish but on the ebike probably no colder that it was with the wind yesterday. Sunny and after the Waitrose visit the washing hung out. Switching the washer off flipped the earth leakage breaker neccesitating an useful emptying of the understairs cupboard. Useful because the sun is showing that the stair handrail is in need of a fresh coat of paint and the paint is in their somewhere.
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Gym rest day , but not much rest yet. Early morning walk then a quick rest up :cuppa:. Off to town then back remembering I'd something to post by today.So once packed up ready off it was a quick dash to post office before it shuts. Once back it thought I better get this washing out on the line. Seeing its a nice sunny day it should dry nicely. Then time for a 2rd lot to go in the washing machine lucky it's Mrs 73 weekend off. Not sure if I will see much of her today she off out on girls day out with some old work friends.


It's actually brightened up in to a nice morning.

Maybe it's the effect of yesterday's 'flu vaccine but I'm all aches and pains this morning and not particularly energetic. I can't be bothered doing very much.

Maybe so it will pass quick enough shows your body is reacting in a good way to the vaccine. Got some fresh air and have a gentle day and you will son feel better.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second cuppa went down well
Parcel dropped off at post office
Net curtains have been re hung for an elderly relative.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Good to have a decent aerial too.

Yes, planning on getting to work on that soon, as well. May disguise it as part of the house, or the government weather apparatus. I read high and low temperature and rainfall for the weather service every morning, as well as report weather events. Home Owner's Association may not like an aerial, but they are used to my shenanigans by now.
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