Mundane News

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We had a lovely red sunrise earlier but it has gone a bit grey.
I managed to get out on my bike yesterday afternoon. I dug my Boardman out to give it a try. I did a good time getting over to my brother's despite having 2 stops to get my breath back. The saddle is a bit of a PITA . I can't complain too much as I only paid £25 for the frame with bits on it. I had to repair the carbon fork where the ally corrosion had crept under the edge. It has lasted and done a few miles since.
This is what I discovered. I think they could have made the bike at least 1 kg lighter if they hadn't put so much paint on it. You can count the layers, the frame is similar in that it was originally white underneath the silver. The company must have brought out a new colour scheme.


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Set off to walk to the gym this morning not long out the house reached round to the side pocket of my rucksack. Only to find no padlock , so back home I went to have Quick Look for it. No sign and I know it was not left at the gym. So I just don't know what happened. Finally made it to the gym though I was running late. Knowing hardly anyone about I just used the locker with no lock. My phone and keys never get left anyway.
Only other place it may be is outside rear home , so Conway home had a look no sign. So Ive ordered another one but will keep an eye out for my old one and i'm holding on to the keys incase it turns up.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cloudy day but dry and forecast looks ok so may go for a walk or even try getting the trike out for a birl.

Fourteen junk messages this morning, MacAfee keeps pestering me and threatening all sorts of retribution if I don't renew my non existent subscription as well as Sainsbury, Asda, and somebody allegedly flogging air fryers.
This is all fairly recent as I have not had much problem in the past with junk.
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