Mundane News

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I thought I'd entered a Time Warp today whilst driving from Norwich to Newmarket...
First, a small red car with a very large Christmas tree strapped to the roof. Then two snow ploughs on the A11..

Correct me if I'm wrong: it is still September, isn't it? 🤔

well, I'm pretty sure I already watched my 1st Christmas movie of the year. I was like: wait a second, shouldn't they be releasing this in December. Family Switch w/ Jennifer Garner & Ed Helms on Netflix. is was actually entertaining. a fun twist where the kids & parents swap places magically, until they all get their attitudes adjusted correctly :hugs:
a vets once used glue on an incision on a cat. but it didn't stay closed & the cat freaked out. long story but I'd rather have a stich or 2


My granddaughter saves any cereals that are that low in the box especially for me, so there's a good chance I will be having dust tomorrow
I used to date a lass who's teenage son would consume 'Fruit 'n' Fibre Cornflakes' until the box was likewise near the end, then simply open another box, leaving two or three such boxes in the cupboard assuming someone else would eat them. :dry:
The relationship with his mother didn't last too long - ! :laugh:


Legendary Member
I had my usual early Friday finish at work today and 'flu jab received, cash receipt scanned and submitted to work for payment. It is amazing how painless injections seem to be nowadays compared to years ago. I didn't even feel it.

Been one of those deceptive days where the sun is shining and it looks lovely but two minutes later, the rain is coming down in stair rods. I had a relaxing evening and didn't do much apart from some work on my blog.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Prep for tomorrow's 150km Autumn Day Out audax has been done, including twice re-uploading the route after it was re-sent with changes due to closed roads.

Oh, and I've seriously under-estimated the amount of time it'll to take to re-mark someone's marking which is requiring complete re-marking plus the feedback writing for each submission. I can see some long evenings clearing it all.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Prep for tomorrow's 150km Autumn Day Out audax has been done, including twice re-uploading the route after it was re-sent with changes due to closed roads.

Oh, and I've seriously under-estimated the amount of time it'll to take to re-mark someone's marking which is requiring re-marking plus the feedback writing. I can see some long evenings clearing it all.

Which audax ?


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Which audax ?

This one:

Autumn Day Out from Trowell in Nottinghamshire.
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