Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dawn is getting noticeably later every day now and it was 0740 before the sun popped above the hills opposite this morning.

Another day of lots of things I should be doing but cannot really get round to. I am trying to get rid of all sorts of surplus items but it find it hard for vaguely sentimental reasons.
I could advertise a lot for sale but cannot be bothered with people coming to the house. What is needed is a car boot sale where I can load up the car and just get on with it.
Anyway I can go and try the Virgin Money ATM as apparently unlocking my credit card cannot be done on just any old ATM.


All at sea⛵
I'm on M25 - it'll be Christmas before I get home.

Is WAZE bust? No hint not a word!

Update: 8 hours from South Wales to Kent!
Deduct 30 mins when I was mugged for a pee and a coffee at services.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a cloudy, damp, windy & chilly Suffolk. Looks like there was a little bit of rain overnight and another shower has just finished, but nothing like the deluge that was forecast (again).

Coffee has been had with the last of the 'shorties' biscuits from the pack and most of the morning has been spent catching up with the news and listening to the radio. Breakfast is up next, followed by a few domestics and then I'll see about getting into town for the free drink and the weekend's food shopping on the way back.


Legendary Member
The trolley app has Asda B&M and Morrisons listed all at £1.40.
No Asda or B&M locally and Morrison's is very hit and miss (mostly miss)
They've been doing that a lot round here, Fosse Rd and Groby Rd both shut but to be fair there's a Lidl and an Aldi nearby plus the Glenfield Co-op is now a Morrisons. If they shut the one near us it will be a pain as that has had a busy post office in it for as long as I've lived here and the next closest is miles away
As this CoOp is superstore sized with a large spare space (former bakery), my suspicion is that when Sainsburys take it over they will then close the stand alone Argos in town and bring it in house in this spare area. In one way this would be a good thing as the CoOp has a very large car park attached while the Argos doesn't, but then there will be a large empty building at the other end of town if it does happen.
I've been to the doctor's to hear the results of all of my tests. Nothing to worry about the Lymes disease as it seems to have been in the past. I had 2 brain scans as the first picked up something which needed a bit of further investigation. My wife suggested that might have been caused when I had a massive gastric bleed. The doctor wants me to go for a memory test next. Where am I ?
It's the test that I'm worried about as it seems a bit fuzzy these days.


Wet walk to the gym this morning lucky the umbrella kept the worse off. The walk home was dry which was a nice bonus but was still a cold wind blowing. Stayed dry on my Call into town until the walk back with light rain the wind making it feel a lot wetting.
A few job at home to do toady , they can wait till later once Mrs 73 has gone off to work. Better get Charlie's meds done and see if he wants a walk around the block. Then time for :cuppa:.
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