Mundane News

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I thought I'd entered a Time Warp today whilst driving from Norwich to Newmarket...
First, a small red car with a very large Christmas tree strapped to the roof. Then two snow ploughs on the A11..

Correct me if I'm wrong: it is still September, isn't it? 🤔

In some shops one side of the sessional is Halloween the other is Christmas, at one point quality save had Halloween, Christmas and gardening range. So it all gone a bit mad, M&S the Christmas food to order is now open. :wacko:


Car passed its MOT albeit with an advisory on a couple of brake pipes. They'll last till next year said the garage. The phone call to say it say it ready to collect came mid shop in the big Lidl at Knaresbough. Immediately on the leaving there on the ebike I encountered a brief downpour.
Today I've been able to play music at greater than background volume for the first time in many, many months*.

*7 months ago a then 9 month old lab/pointer came to live with us, and since then I've not been able to close the office door during the day. The other home worker is now back to the office every other Friday.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I set up software defined radio on my computer, beats buying a base scanning radio, shortwave radio, AM-FM radio, and a lot of other communication devices. You do have to be able to do some computer geekery, but this follows a set recipe. It also helps to have all the requisite build-up of computer bits and bobs accumulated over 20 years of digital photography.

Good to have a decent aerial too.


Between them the insurance companies have found the car.And it is now on its way to a garage near Armley Leeds12,at last some common sense.Why Speke Liverpool was mentioned we have no idea.So sometime early next week we shall see if the car is repairable.
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