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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I set up software defined radio on my computer, beats buying a base scanning radio, shortwave radio, AM-FM radio, and a lot of other communication devices. You do have to be able to do some computer geekery, but this follows a set recipe. It also helps to have all the requisite build-up of computer bits and bobs accumulated over 20 years of digital photography.


After having my hearing aids looked at this morning.I decided i was going to have a bacon sarnie and a latte.So over to a cash machine it malfunctioned and kept my card.So i phoned the company,they did sweet FA.I said how can i buy food today or buy anything without my card,they did not give a toss.Told me to inform my bank.It was their pratting machines fault.I got nothing well in future i will go over the road and go inside the Post Office for cash.I just cant believe they wash their hands and leave people,what if it had been a frail old doddery pensioner,oh wait a min i have just described myself.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cannot resist this one.
Do you remember all the playground games which kids nowadays have never heard of?
We made kites from a couple of bits of stick, old newspaper stuck together with flour paste and a lot of string.
In season we had sticks and stones ( a version of noughts and crosses),bogies,,hoops,bools,slides on ice or in my first school a base of fungi, and of course the picture shows tanks.
The girls had peevers and skipping ropes mainly.



Itching to get back on my bike's
Lunchtime stroll completed partially in rain partially in sunshine
Cannot resist this one.
Do you remember all the playground games which kids nowadays have never heard of?
We made kites from a couple of bits of stick, old newspaper stuck together with flour paste and a lot of string.
In season we had sticks and stones ( a version of noughts and crosses),bogies,,hoops,bools,slides on ice or in my first school a base of fungi, and of course the picture shows tanks.
The girls had peevers and skipping ropes mainly.

View attachment 746949

much better that the piles of plastic trash the toy companies push on our kids w/ TV ads
After having my hearing aids looked at this morning.I decided i was going to have a bacon sarnie and a latte.So over to a cash machine it malfunctioned and kept my card.So i phoned the company,they did sweet FA.I said how can i buy food today or buy anything without my card,they did not give a toss.Told me to inform my bank.It was their pratting machines fault.I got nothing well in future i will go over the road and go inside the Post Office for cash.I just cant believe they wash their hands and leave people,what if it had been a frail old doddery pensioner,oh wait a min i have just described myself.

how do you get cash from the post office?


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I went to Aldi this morning and espied my first Stollen of the season, plus several gallons of Glühwein. We're barely into autumn and winter's on our shelves.

@Ripple Belated happy birthday!
@classic33 Hope the cuts and bruises mend swiftly.
(The @ + member name thingy doesn't appear to be working properly today*.)

*It's working but the drop-down selection list of users wasn't coming up.
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