Mundane News

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I've been looking at some old cycle magazines and seeing some expensive bikes and how little they weigh compared with my old modern (once) bikes. I noticed that a lot of them have carbon frames. Not much I can do about that but I did notice that they don't have as many spokes as mine do ! Soon sort that out ! A few quick snips on every other spoke should do the trick! Now if I let the air out of the tyres that should save some more weight . In the past I noticed that people drilled chainrings to save weight . I wonder if they did it to the frames as well! :wacko:


Legendary Member
I wonder if they did it to the frames as well!
Yep, google 'Drillium' some were extreme


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I don't know about midnight thunderstorms but there was a lot of steady rain overnight. It sounded like summer rain but today it's the autumnal equinox. Apparently this is at 1:43pm in the UK. The weather man on the radio told me that we'd have to wait until Tuesday for the equilux. The equilux is what I thought the equinox was only it's adjusted for latitude.

All this early learning made me spill some coffee.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sun was not above the Morvern hills when I got up this morning but now is well above the horizon with a clear sky so another sunny day in prospect.
In summer the sun rises at the left of my front windows and sunrise slowly moves to the right as the season progresses. In winter sunrise is on the right hand side until it slowly reverses when spring is coming.

There was a bodach who lived in a flat above our first shop and he used to look in sometimes with a dire prediction after particularly good weather.
" Wee'll pey fur it" was his preferred prediction. Auld Arthur a purveyor of good cheer!

No idea what the weather is like at Tenby today but my son is down there taking part in the Ironman event. Not my scene.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
You don't remember the Princess and the Pea!

Oh, I do. SWMBO has chosen one that needs a climb up. Given I could probably use her as a footstool standing up she'll struggle. Me? It's a mattress. I don't care.


Hong Kong
An interesting reg plate I saw going through the Tai Lam Tunnel earlier.



Nice early morning trip to the gym though a bit damp with light rain. Charlie's having a off day so I'm leaving to it this morning see if he come round. Was going to have a slow morning but the weather is not looking good for later. So looks like a trip to town is better sooner rather than later. Then I better got this load of washing sorted, and what ever else needs going. Even when Mrs 73 is off it's always me who end up going everything.


Leg End Member
I've been looking at some old cycle magazines and seeing some expensive bikes and how little they weigh compared with my old modern (once) bikes. I noticed that a lot of them have carbon frames. Not much I can do about that but I did notice that they don't have as many spokes as mine do ! Soon sort that out ! A few quick snips on every other spoke should do the trick! Now if I let the air out of the tyres that should save some more weight . In the past I noticed that people drilled chainrings to save weight . I wonder if they did it to the frames as well! :wacko:
You mean like the "Gorganzola Special"?
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