Mundane News

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Über Member
The chickens dined on spent beer malt grains this morning. My home brewed ale came out at a decent 1049 OG, for about 20 litres, finishing hops have been added and yeast pitched, it'll not be long before the fantastic aroma of fermentation is wafting around the house*.

*When the wife gets home from work it'll be 'that bl##dy Malteser wine stinks' :sad:. Philistine.
This being Sunday, everything is closed, but the local classic car club has clearly organised a drive along the valley; I've just seen an 80's VW, an old Merc and an even older Ford Mustang drive past. There are quite a lot of motorbikes too.

It's the busiest the road has been since I came, and the first day that cars outnumbered tractors.


Mrs P and me have just been to Homenase and B & Q getting the paint for the top and final coats of two rooms in Manchester.I have to say i have found it hard to do everything.Botched jobs having to be put right before painting,plus needing large step ladders because the rooms are higher than todays box sized there has been a cut off date of Wednesday because carpets are coming.To be truthful i did want to help but the time frame and constant rushing this has not been an enjoyable task.i will be glad when Tuesday night comes.I don't like being rushed or bodging.


Typical go out and on way back it buckets it down and I get soaking wet. Luckily managed to get back before it really got going. Still had to change and dry off.
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