Can't stand it.Thought the cold didn't bother you
Can't stand it.Thought the cold didn't bother you
I should maybe have specified but I was sailing from Ballycastle in co. Antrim which is a long way away from Ballina. The Mayo Ballycastle is a lovely little village surrounded by some very interesting scenery. The good thing is that it doesn't get the volume of tourists some places get.
The Antrim Ballycastle is a largr (ish) provincial town, ferry port and is also surrounded by beautiful scenery but it attracts a lot of touroids due to the proximity of the Giant's Causeway.
Which Ballina do you remember?
I think it must be at leastfifty years since I had the vaccine. Only about 15% of badgers carry TB, but if I am about two feet from it's face, there could still be a slight risk.
I think it must be at leastfifty years since I had the vaccine. Only about 15% of badgers carry TB, but if I am about two feet from it's face, there could still be a slight risk.
You'd be going with Tyred's Ballina then.Ballina, some way north of Galway,
You'd be going with Tyred's Ballina then.
Sneak back in whilst he's not there!Yes, but he is not there just now.