Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Evening cuppa went down well a slice of genoa cake.

trying to decide how many layers i will need for my early am tomorrow ride

Someone turned the thermostat up overnight & I wore too many layers when walking the dog this morning.


Leg End Member
Typical they’ve declined war and not said. Though maybe the defence cuts have gone a bit over the top.
Headed back northwards, they may have declared a truce.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Had a sunny spell this morning but since then it has been pouring rain.
Good job Dalmally had their agricultural show last Saturday as today would have been a disaster as it is also windy.
My watch battery gave up but fortunately the family were heading into Oban so got a new battery fitted for me and watch back to normal again.
Not good for dialysis patients as ones from Mull are faced with up to 15 or 16 hour days three times a week to travel to Campbelltown.
Oban ones are all over the place but all with long journeys.
Pressure is growing for an Oban unit but will the decision makers listen?
Not so serious but I have to go to Paisley over 100 miles from home for a CT scan despite there being a unit in Oban doing such things.
Trouble is the consultant involved is in Glasgow area and only refers patients to hospitals there while Oban is in Highland.


Spring Daffodil bulbs in and winter Pansies looking good.
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